Zinātnes Vēstnesis
- 2015.g. 13.aprīlis

Pēters Jervelaids (Peeter Järvelaid, Igaunija). Par ievērojamu ieguldījumu tiesību vēstures un salīdzinošo tiesību pētījumos un sadarbībā starp Igauniju, Latviju un Lietuvu

Zenons Norkus (Zenonas Norkus, Lietuva). Par Baltijas parauga izstrādāšanu salīdzinošajā vēsturiskajā socioloģijā, veicot suverēno Lietuvas, Latvijas, Igaunijas un Somijas valstu izpēti

Benedikts Kalnačs (Latvija). Par ilggadēju un sekmīgu Baltijas jūras valstu literāro kontaktu izpēti
Medal of the Baltic academies of sciences
According to its Statute, the Medal of the Baltic Academies of Sciences is awarded for contribution to promoting scientific cooperation of the Baltic States and for achievements in science. Since 1999, the awarding ceremonies of this special international award of the Baltic academies of sciences have taken place seven times and 26 medals have been awarded (as of 01.04.2015). The wording on each Medal diploma is different, but one feature they all have in common is the great contribution to enhancing cooperation among the scientists in the Baltic region and to carrying out joint research.
The Medal laureates receive a medal and a diploma. The diplomas are signed by the presidents of the academies of sciences of the three Baltic States. The avers side of the medal carries the emblems of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, while the reverse side carries a Latin text MEDALIUM ACADEMII SCIENTIARIUM BALTICI near the outer edge of the medal. The centre of the reverse is left blank for engraving the recipient’s name and the year of awarding the Medal. The Medal is cast in silver, and has a diameter of 64 mm.
The Medal has been designed by Latvian artist Jānis Strupulis, honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
2015 Recipients of the Medal of Baltic Academies of Sciences
Peeter Järvelaid (Estonia)
For major input into studies of legal history and comparative law and cooperation between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Zenonas Norkus (Lithuania)
For setting a Baltic example in the comparative historical sociology research into the existence of sovereign states of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
Benedikts Kalnačs (Latvia)
For long–term and fruitful contribution to comparative literary studies in the Baltic Sea countries.