Centre for Science and Technology Studies (ZTPC)

 of the Latvian Academy of Sciences

Main Page * Publications and Projects * Latvian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Erika Tjunina  

Involved in the Centre's activities since 1991. Received her diploma in Chemistry from the Riga Technical University. Holds a doctoral degree of engineering sciences in polymer mechanics. For 16 years (1964-1980) occupied a position of scientific researcher at the Institute of Polymer Mechanics. From 1980 to 1987 worked as a scientific secretary at the Jakutsk Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of North. From 1988 onwards holds the position of scientific secretary of the Division of Physical and Technical Sciences at the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Author and co-author of more then 60 scientific publications (incl. 7 monographs). 
Phone: +371 722 5175. Fax:  +371 782 1153. E-mail: erika@lza.lv