Janis Guntis BERZINS
Born: January 31, 1936, Riga, Latvia
- Nuclear Structure
- Nuclear Reactions
- Radioecology
- Application of the Methods of Nuclear Spectroscopy for Environmental Control
Brief description of main research:
I am working in the area of experimental nuclear spectroscopy. My main scientific
interests are devoted to the investigation of nuclear structure in nuclear reactions in
the mass region A=140-194. I has participated in developing of the experimental equipment
for the nuclear structure investigation in the nuclear reactions at the Latvian nuclear
reactor as well as in investigation of more than 20 nuclei in co-operation with many
laboratories in Europe and USA. Since 1986 we are
active in the field of application of some nuclear spectroscopic methods to ecological
problems. During the last years our laboratory have performed measurements for the
determination of radionuclide concentration in aerosols, precipitation, water and
sediments in Latvia.
Languages: German, English, Russian, Latvian, French.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics) cum laude, 1959
- Dr. phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), University of
Leningrad, 1984
- Dr. habil. phys., University of Latvia, 1998.
- Junior Researcher, Senior Engineer, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions,
Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1959-1992
- Scientific Secretary, Senior Researcher, Nuclear Research Centre, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1992-1998
- Head of Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear Research Centre, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1996
- Director, Nuclear Research Centre, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998-1999
- Vice-Director of Reaktors Ltd., 1999-2000
- Vice-Director, Head of Laboratory of Radioactive Testing of Materials, SIA RAPA, 1999 -
- Head of Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
Latvia, 1999 -
- Visiting Researcher:
- Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gatchina (Russia), 1962 (3 months)
- Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung AdW DDR, Rossendorf (Germany), 1972-1983 (3 months
- Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (France), 1989
- Technische Universität München, (Germany), 1990, 1996, 1998 (2 months yearly).
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President (1994-1997, Member of Board (1997- ),Latvian Physical Society
- Member of Organising Committee of International conferences on Nuclear Structure and
Nuclear Spectroscopy 1961, 1968, 1987.
- Member of Editorial Board of journal Atmospheric Physics, Lithuania, 1993 -
- Member of the Deutsche Fachverband für Strahlenschutz, 1993-
- Expert, National Contact Point, EU 5,6 Framework Programmes , 1999 -
- Member, Euratom Consultative Committee Fusion, 1999-
- Dosimetry and radiation protection, University of Latvia ,1962-1983
Recent/Representative Publications
- P.Prokofjevs, J.Berzins et al. Spectra of ElectreomagneticTransitions and Level Schemes
Following Thermal Neutron Capture by Nuclides with A143-193, 1973, Riga: Zinatne Press,
112 pp.
- H.Sodan
. J.Berzins et al. Rotational bands in 185Os and 187Os.
- Nuclear Physics, A237, 1975, pp.333-353.
- M.Leja
J.Berzins et al. Concentrations of radionuclides in Mushrooms and herbs from
Latvia after the Tsjernobyl accident. - Proceedings of Intern.symp. "Chemical
climatology and geomedical problems", Oslo, 21-22 May 1992, pp.169-183.
- J.Berzins, T.Vasiljeva,I.Ljulko, E.Gabowitch. Organization der Kontrolle von
Kontaminationen der Radionuklide in Lettland. Strahlenschutz:Physik und Messtechnik,
26. Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe, 24-26 May 1994, pp.378-384.
- J.Berzins et al. 162Dy studied with (n,g ),(n,ng ),(d,p) and (d,t)
reactions. - Nuclear Physics, A584, 1995, pp.413-448.
- R.Georgii,
J.Berzins, et al. Complete level scheme of 124Te up to 3
MeV. - Nuclear Physics, A592, 1995, pp.307-337.
- P.Prokofjevs, J.Berzins, et al. Nuclear Structure of 183W studied in
(n,g ), (n,nÆg ) and (d,p) reactions. - Nuclear Physics, A614, 1997, pp.183-216.
- V.Bondarenko , J.Berzins et al Nuclear levels in 187W. - Nuclear Physics,
A619, 1997, pp.1-48.
- M.Balodis, P.Prokofjevs, N.Kramere, L.Simonova, J.Berzins, T.Krasta et al. Level scheme
of 194Ir. - Nuclear Physics, A641, N2, 1998, pp.133-187.
- P.Prokofjevs, L.I.Simonova, M.Balodis, J.Berzin,
V.Bondarenko, J.Honzatko, I.Tomandl, S.Boneva, V.A.Khitrov, A.M.Sukhovoj. The g g -coincidence measurements of 166Ho
from the (n,g ) reaction. Fizika B, 2, 2000,
- P.Prokofjevs, J.Berzins, et al. Nuclear structure of 166Ho studied in neutro
capture, (d,p) and (d,3He) reactions. Phys. Rev. C, 2000, vol.
61, 0443505, p. 43.
- V.Bondarenko, J.Berzins et al. Interplay of quasiparticle and phonon excitations in 181Hf observed through (n,? ) and (d,p) reactions. Nucl.
Phys., 2002, A709, pp.3-59
- J.Berzins, V.Bondarenko, T.Krasta, F.Hoyler, et al. Non-Rotation States of 164Dy.
- Proc. 11th Int.Symp.on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics,
Pruhonice, Sept. 20-26, 2002, pp. 637-640.
- D.Riekstina, J.Berzins, O.Veveris, J.Alksnis. Quality assurance/Quality control for
testing of radioactivity. - Proc. IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection in
Central Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 22-26, 2003, pp. 851-858.
- D.Riekstina, J.Berzins, O.Veveris, J.Alksnis, V.Felsbergs. Radiological impact
assessment of the shut-down Salaspils nuclear reactor. Proceedings of INRNE
Conference, Albena, Bulgaria, 2004, 27-30 September.
- V.Bondarenko, J.Honzatko,
, T.von Egidy, J.Berzins, et al. Low-spin mixed
particle-hole structure in 185W. - Nuclear Physics, A762, 2005,
Research Projects
- J.Berzins (Head of Project) Investigations of Nuclear Structure at Normal and Exotic
States. Latvian Council of Science (1997
- J.Berzins (Head of Project) Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Nuclear
Structure at Medium and High Excitation Energies. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- J.Berzins (Head of Project) Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Nuclear
Structure at Normal and Extremal Conditions. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 27.01.2006