Antans-Saulus SAUHATS
Professor Antans - Saulus SAUHATS
Director, Institute of Power Engineering
Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering
Riga Technical University
1, Kronvalda blv.
Riga, LV 1010
Phone: +371 708 9930
Fax: +371 7089931
E-mail: sauhatas@eef.rtu.lv |
Born: March 14, 1948, Panevezys, Lithuania
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, French, and English.
- Riga Technical University (Riga Polytechnical Institute), 1970
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Technical Sciences in FSU, Ph.D. in Western countries), 1976
- Doctor of Technical Sciences in former USSR from 1991
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Riga Technical University, 1992
- Professor Riga Technical University, 1992 - present
Professional experience:
- Junior Research Associate, Senior Engineer, Riga Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of
Power and Electrical Engineering, Department of Electric Power Systems, 1969-1976
- Senior Research Associate, Riga Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of Power and Electrical
Engineering, Department of Electric Power Systems, 1976.
- Docent, Riga Polytechnical Institute (Riga Technical University), Faculty of Power and
Ellectrical Engineering, 1982
- Head of Automatized Electric Systems Chair, 1986
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 1992 - present.
Educational experience:
Courses - Protective relaying , Automatic control of electric power systems,
Control systems in electric power engineering.
12 PhD, 31 masters of sc., engineers and bachelors were supervised.
Research activity:
Area of research activity: power system automation and optimisation, protective
relaying, development of methods and means for control of normal and emergency
conditions in electric power systems, HV Transmission lines fault location.
- Principal investigator of the Latvian Scientific Council grants
- Principal investigator, projects with Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia power systems
and utilities
- Developed and implemented disturbance recording systems, fault location system,
protective relaying, out of step condition system for 110-330 kV transmission lines and
power plants
- Developed hardware and software widely used power systems in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,
and Russia. Total number of implementation more than 500 protective relaying and
automation terminals.
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2003
- Year Prize of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company
"Latvenergo" for life contribution in energetics and engineering, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships:
President, Latvian Power System Promotional Council
Member, Lithuanian power system Promotional Committee
Individual Member of CIGRE
Chair, Editorial Board of the Scientific Proceedings of Power and Electrical
Engineering, Riga Technical University
Associated Editor of Power Engineering, Proceeding of Educational
Committee (Minsk, Byelorussia) (ISSN 0579-2983)
President, Latvian Electrotechnical Committee
Member, Latvian Electrical Engineering Society; Chief of Scientific and Education
Committee of Latvian Electrical Engineering Society
Member, Technical Council, Public Joint Stock Company Latvenergo
Member, International Scientific Committees of Slovak, Poland, Latvian, and Lithuanian
International Scientific Symposiums
Member, IEEE
Total number of scientific publications: 194 publications (40 during the last 5
Main scientific publications during the last 5 years:
- A.Sauhatas, I.Staltmanis. Electric Power Engineering Education in Latvia - Problems
and Solution , CIGRE, L.U.C., Paris. 1998, 3 p.
- .A.Sauhatas, A.Dolgitser, A.Utans. The System for Operation control of Hydrogenerators.-
Proceedings of UPEC 98 Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, 1998,
- A.Sauhatas, A.Svalov. Statistical Aproach for Optimizacion of the Automatic for
Preventing of the Asynchronous Operation in Power System. - Proceedings of UPEC 98
Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, 1998, pp. 628-630.
- T. Loman, A. Sauhatas, A.Voinovska. Optimization of parameters and algorithms of
distance protection. Proceedings of IV Sympozjum Metody Matematyczne w
Elektroenergetyce MMWEE' 98, Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza im.Stanislawa Staszica w
Krakowie. Zaklad elektroenergetyki. Poland.1998. pp.313-322.
- A.Sauhatas, T.Lomane. Optimizacion of distance measuring units.
In:"Energetikos ir Elektrotehnikos Technologijos".
Konferencijos praneimu mediagos. Kaun? technologijos universitetas.
Kaunas, Lithuania, 1999. pp.58-59.
- A.Sauhatas, T.Lomane, A.Voinovska. Estimations of distance protection efficiency.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Present-day Problems of
Power Engineering. APE'99, Gdansk-Jurata, Poland. 1999, vol.III, pp. 39-44.
- A.Sauhatas,.A.Svalov, K.Brinkis. Automatic devices for prevention and elimination of
asynchronous operation in power systems. Proceedings of the 13th ?ower Systems Computation Conference PSCC, Trondheim,
Norway, 1999, vol.I, pp. 552-560.
- A.Sauhatas., T.Loman., A.Voinovska. Statistical analysis of digital distance protection.
Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech 99 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 1999,
- A.Sauhats, K.Brinkis, A.Svalov. Setting Optimisation of the Automatic for Prevention of
the Asynchronous Operation in Power Systems.- Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech'99
Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 1999. pp.71-76.
- A. Sauhatas., T.Loman. Analysis of Distance Measuring Units Operation. - Proceedings
of 4th Intern. Conference CPS2000 Control of ?ower Systems, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2000, pp.
- A. Sauhats, K. Brinkis, A.Svalovs. Statistical Aproach to Device selection and
Efficiency Estimation of the Automation for Preventing Asynchronous Operation in Power
Systems. In: Energetika, Nr.3, ISSN 0235-7208. Lithuania, 2000. pp.20-25.
- Sauhats Antans, Dolgicers Aleksandrs, Svalovs Andrejs. Statistical approach based fault
locating algorithms for power transmission lines. - Proceedings of X Miedzynarodowa
Konferencija Naukowa "Aktualine Problemy w Elektroenergetyce",
Gdansk-Jurata, Poland, 2001,vol.2. pp. 233-238.
- A. Sauhats, A. Jonins, V. Chuvychin, M.Danilova. Fault location algorithms for power
transmission lines based on Monte-Carlo method. - Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech.
Conference, Portugal, Porto, 2001, 5 p.
- A.Sauhats, J.Gerhards, A.Mahnitko, A.Dolgicers. Statistical Approach-based Fault
Locating Algorithms for Power Transmission Lines.- Proceedings of I.Medzinarodne
vedecke sympozium. EE2001 Elektroenergetika, Zbornik predna?ok. Slovak Republic,Vysoke
Tatry, 2001, pp.221-224.
- A.Sauhats, A.Jonins, M.Danilova .Statistical adaptive algorithms for fault location on
power transmission lines based on method of Monte-Carlo.- Proceedings of 7th
Int. Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems ''PMAPS 2002
" , Naple ,Italy, 2002, vol.II. pp. 485-490.
- A. Sauhats, A.Svalovs. Statistical optimization of a complex of local devices for
preventation of out-of-step conditions. - Proceedings of 14th Power
System Computation Conference, Session 22. Sevillia, Spain, 2002. p. 5.
- A.Sauhats, M. Danilova. Fault Distance Estimation Algorithms for Super High Voltage
Power Transmission Lines. - Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech Conference, Bologna,
Italy, 2003, BPT03-122, 6 pp.
- A. Sauhats, A.Svalovs, I.Svalova. Development of Algorithms for Prevention of
Asynchronous Operation in High- Voltage Networks. - Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech
Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2003, BPT03-191, 6 pp.
Avocations: Sports (tennis, swimming, basketballs)
Last update 12.01.2004