Professor Ojars SPARITIS
Head of the Department for Doctoral Studies,
Latvian Academy of Arts
Kalpaka bulv. 13
Riga, LV 1867, LatviaPhone: + 371 7332202. Fax: + 371 7228963
E- mail: lma@latnet.lv
Director of "Melngalvju Nams" (Blackhead's House)
Ratslaukums 7, Riga, LV 1050
Phone: +371 7044300. Fax: +371 7044312
E-mail: melngalv@rcc.lv |
Born: November 28, 1955, Liepaja district, Latvia
- Theory and history of Latvian architecture and art in connection with culture of
neighbouring countries
- Town planning
- Military architecture and fortifications
- Sacral art and architecture,
- Iconology and emblematics
- Theory and practice of preservation and restoration of monuments of architecture
Studies of Swedish archives resulted in focusing my scientific interest on development
of fortifications in the Baltics and contacts between Sweden and Latvia during 17th
- The periodical division and chronology of Latvian art history, especially periods of the
Renaissance and Mannerism, as well as problems of attribution by means of ornament,
iconography, printed patterns and practical research in real object
- The phenomenon of Baltic Germans in the history of Latvia
- History of culture of Hanseatic time and German impact on the Latvian
culture as mediators between Baltic states and Western Europe new methodological
approach to the research and interpretation.
- Expertise of the results and conception of main interior design in connection with the
reconstruction of the House of Blackheads in Riga well famous monument of gothic
and renaissance architecture in Riga
Languages : Latvian, English, German, and Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology), 1979
- Latvian Academy of Arts (History and Theory of Art), 1987
- Master of Arts, 1990
- Doctoral studies at the University of Kiel (Germany) with stipend of DAAD, 1993
- Doctoral studies at the Latvian Academy of Arts, 1991 - 1994
- Dr.art., Riga, 1997
- Dr.habil.art., Riga, 1998
- Professor, Head of the Department for doctoral studies, Latvian Academy of Arts,
1998 -
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, 1995 - 1996
- Senior Lecturer , Latvian Academy of Arts, 1986 - 1991
- Inspector of the Latvian Nature and Monument Protection Society, 1981 - 1986
- Editor at the Scientific Library of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979 - 1981
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company ''Grindex'' Prize, 2002
Professional Activities
- Chair of the Latvian Nature and Monument Protection Society
- Chair of the Latvian-Baltic Germans Centre "Domus Rigensis"
- Member of the Latvian Artists Union.
- Latvian Member of ICOMOS.
Lectures and Courses abroad
- Traditional culture of Latvia and its consciousness. Australia, Latvian Days of
Culture in Sydney, January 1993.
- The Renaissance and Mannerism in Latvian Architecture and Art. - University of Kiel,
Institute for Art History, Germany. October-November 1993.
- Preservation of Monuments of Architecture in Latvia Fair of Handicrafts in
Hamburg, Germany, May 1996.
- Baltic Architecture and Art in Context of European Culture. - University of
Iveskile, January, 2000.
Main /Recent Publications
More than 90 publications on history and theory of art and architecture, on
periodisation, typology, iconology, emblematics. More than 40 publications on aspects of
preservation of cultural heritage.
Participation in more than 40 regional and international scientific symposiums and
conferences in Latvia and abroad.
- O. Sparitis. Mannerism, 1997, Riga: Latvijas Enciklopedija Press, 48 p. (in
- O. Sparitis. The Riga Dom Cathedral Stained Glass, 1997, Riga, Premo,104 pp. (in
Latvian, in English).
- O. Sparitis. The Usma Church in Riga, in Latvia, in the World, 1999, Riga: Zinatne
Press, 170 pp. (in Latvian, in English, in German).
- O. Sparitis. Latvian Lutheran Churches Today, 1999, Riga: Nordic Press, 300 pp. (in
- O.Sparitis. Culture of "Baltic Germans from XIII to XX century. - In: "Baltic
Germans in Latvia, Riga: Center for Ethnic Studies, 2000, pp. 86-217 (in
- O.Sparitis. Bornes baznica (The Borne Church, Kirche zu Alt-Born), 2000, Riga,
56 pp. (in Latvian, English, German).
- O.Sparitis. Monuments and Decorative Sculpture in Riga, 2001, Riga,
160 pp.
- O.Sparitis, J.Anmanis. Cilveks un sparni (The Man and Wings), Riga: Jumava,
- O.Sparitis. Florence - Riga. Kult'uras paral'eles . (Florence - Riga. Parallels
of Culture), 2004, Riga: Jumava, 220 pp. (in Latvian).
- Untersuchungen zur Formensprache der Renaissance in der Architektur und bildende
Kunst Lettlands.- In: Beitrage zur Renaissance zwischen 1520. und 1570. Jonas
Verlag, 1991, S. 273.-294.
- Elements of vernacular culture in Latvian sacral art. - Cels ( Riga), 1992, N 1 (44),
pp. 76-85 (in Latvian).
- Critic view on preservation of Latvian heritage of culture and processes in art at the
last decade of the second millennium. - The Heritage of Culture (Riga), 1993, pp.
71-87 (in Latvian).
- Die Ilustrationen in Johann Roenners Chronik Livlaendische Historien und die
Portraits der Ordensmeister.- Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Baltica
Stockholmiensia. N 12, Kunst und Architektur im Baltikum in der Schwedenzeit, (Kiel),
1993, S. 59.-76.
- Values of Art in Jaunpils Lutheran church.- O. Sparitis, R.Varpina. Church of Jaunpils,
1994, Talsi, pp. 9-16 (in Latvian).
- Formale Merkmale in der dekorativen Plastik und Skulptur des 16. Und 17. Jh. als
Indikator der inneren Periodisierung des manierismus in Lettland. In: Sztuka
Prus XIII XVIII Wieku, 1994, Torun, S. 227- 263.
- Influence of neighbouring countries on the development of Latvian architecture
and art. - Akademiska Dzive (USA), 1995, N 37, pp. 60 -67 (in
- Collections of the Society of Blackheads.- In: The House of Blackheads in
Riga, 1995, Riga, pp. 97 -134 (in Latvian).
- Influence of the Netherlands culture to Latvian architecture and art in
XVI and XVII centuries. - Netherlandism in Polish Art (Warsaw), 1995, pp.
- 17th Century Allegoric paintings in Latvian Lutheran Churches. - Ars
Ecclesiastica. The Church as a Context for Visual Arts, 1996, Helsinki, pp. 269-274.
- Ein Interpretationsversuch ueber den Autoritarismus und Ikonologie in der lettischen
Kunst der 20.-30 er Jahre.- Revue Baltique (Vilnius), 1996, N 6, pp. 22-30.
- Stylistic patterns in Latvian decorative plastic and sculpture of XVI and XVII centuries
as indices for periodisation of Mannerism. In: The Culture of the XVI Century
Renaissance, 1997, Moscow, pp. 266-281 (in Russian).
- The last Duke of Courland Peter and his property in Sagan.- Journal of the Institute of
History (Riga), 1997, p. 48 (in Latvian).
- Expression of political pretensions and national self-confidence in the monuments of the
19th and beginning of 20th centuries in Riga. Proc.
Latvian Acad. Sci., 1997, vol. 51, N 3 (590), pp. 53- 68 (in Latvian).
- Ein Interpretationsversuch ueber das Autoritaere und die Ikonologie in der lettischen
Kunst von 1920 bis 1940.- In: Kunst im Ostseeraum. Greifswalder Kunsthistorische Studien.
Bd. 2, Architektur und bildende Kunst von 1933 bis 1945. Peter Lang Verlag, 1997, S. 199-
- Politisches Handeln und die Frage des nationalen Bewustseins bei der denkmaelern
russischer und deutscher Herkunft in Riga. - Nordost Archiv (Lueneburg), 1998,
Heft 1, S. 205-240.
- Aspects of an iconological interpretation of the emblematic painting cycle in the church
of Gaiki. - Doma-4 (Riga), 1998, pp. 11- 27 (in Latvian).
- The Semantics of romantic images in parks of Latvian estates. - Romanticism and
Neoromanticism in Latvian Art, 1998, Riga, pp. 114-132 (in Latvian).
Nachgotik in der Sakralarchitektur Lettlands im XVI-XVII Jh. - In: Argumenta,
Articuli, Quaestiones. Studia z historii sztuki sredniowiecznej. Torun, 1999, S.
Rezeption niederlaendisher und deutscher graphischer Vorbilder des 16.-17.
Jahrhunderts in der luterischen Sakralkunst Lettlands. - In: Sten Karling and
Baltic Art History, 1999, Tallinn, pp. 197-236.
Die ersten Saengerfestbauten in der Architektur Lettlands. - In:
Architektur und Bildende Kunst im Baltikum um 1900. (Buecherreihe "Kunst im
Ostseeraum. Greifswalder Kunsthistorische Studien, Bd. 3), Frankfurt-am-Main - Wien, 1999,
S. 50-61.
An Iconological Interpretation of the Cycle of Emblematic Paintings in the
Church at gaiki in Courland. - In: Glasgow Emblem Studies. Volume
5. The German-Language Emblem in its European Context: Exchange and Transmission,
2000, Glasgow, pp. 145-166.
Die Rolle der Hanse in der Kultur Rigas. - Proc. International
Conference"Hansa Yesterday - Hansa Tomorrow", Riga, June 8-13, 1998 ;
2001, pp. 251-255.
Die Rolle der Hanse in der Kultur Lettlands. - In: Rostock,
Bremen, Riga 2001. Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Kultur, 2001, Riga, S. 2-7.
Riga et la Hanse. - In: European Cultural Heritage Review. Europa Nostra,
2002, N 5, pp. 26-29.
Embleme in der Kultur Lettlands zwischen protestantischer und katolischer
Tradition. - In: Multivalence and Multifunctionality of the Emblem, 2002,
Muenchen: Peter Lang, pp. 187-210.
Das Scwarzhaeupterhaus - allseitig betrachtet. - In: Revue
Baltique. Vilnius, 2002, N 16, S. 93-105.
Kirchenbau - vom Rigaer Dom bis zum Jungfernhof. - In: Johann Wilhelm
Krause. 1757-1828. Katalog. Bd. 2., Tallinn, 2002, S. 241-267.
The rebirth and restoration of administrative, political and cultural symbols in
Riga's Town Hall Square. - In: Composing Urban History and the
Constitution of Civic Identities, 2003, Washington, pp. 341-371.
Das klassische Erbe der Renaissance-Baukunst und dessen marginale Stilelemente.
Kompositionen der Saeulenordnung und Anpassung deren Elemente. - In: The Problem of
Classical Ideal in the Art and Architecture of the Countries around the Baltic Sea,
2003, Tallin, pp. 55-84.
Staedtebau in Livland und Kurland im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. - In: Staedtisches
Leben im Baltikum zur Zeit der Hanse, 2003, C.Schirren Ges. Verlag, Laueneburg, S.
Sakralarchitektur der Renaisance in Lettland. - In: Kunst- und
Kulturgeschichte im Baltikum. Homburger Gespraeche 2001-2002. Heft 19, Kiel, 2004, S.
Joris Joriszn Frese. - In: Beyond Traditional Borders. Riga, 2006,
pp. 173-176.
Dutch Copper Engravings for Sacral Paintings.- In: Beyond Traditional Borders. Riga,
2006, pp. 231-236.
Die Architektur lettischer evangelisch-lutherischer Kirchen in Litauen aus der Sicht
des Jahres 2005.-In: Homurger Gespraech 2005, Heft 22, Kunst und Kunstgeschichte im
Baltikum. Kiel, 2006, S. 97-121.
Von der Festung zum Herrenhaus. Entwicklung der Gutshaeuser in Lettland waehrend der
Renaissance im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. In: Baltische Gutshoefe.
Leben-Kultur-Wirtschaft. Lueneburg, 2006, S. 137-227.
Dominican Pedagogy in the Emblematic Ceiling Paintings of the Pasiene Church,
Latvia.-In: The Emblem in Scandinavia and the Baltic. Glasgow, 2006, pp.231-261.
- Aizmirst lai atceretos. - Gram.: Spriediet pai.
Eseju krajums par garigam vertibam. Riga, 2006, pp. 161-167 (in
Vidzemes Dziesmu gramata un tas sastaditaji. 1908. gada gleznota grupas portreta
uzdotie jautajumi.- R. kraj.: Makslas vesture un teorija, Nr.
5, Riga, 2006, pp. 42-48 (in Latvian).
Recenzija gramatai Zeile P. Latgales kulturas vesture: No akmens laikmeta lidz
musdienam. (Rezekne, 2006, 746. lpp. Latvijas Vestures Instituta Zurnals,
2006, Nr. 3, pp. 173-177 (in Latvian).
Jaunas Jeruzalemes stasts.- Kulturas Forums, 2006, 22. decembris (in
Research Projects
- Catalogue of Public Sculpture and Monuments of Riga. SOROS Foundation Latvia (1995)
- Latvian Lutheran Church Today. North-Elbian Church, Germany, Vallenberg Foundation
Sweden, Latvian Lutheran Church (1996-1998)
- Hanse Yesterday Hanse Tomorrow International Fair of
Handicrafts, International Scientific Conference in Riga, June 1998
- Culture of Ethnic Minorities in Latvia Research of Their Social, Cultural,
Political and Sociological Integration. (Series of TV programs for Latvian State TV). SOROS
Foundation Latvia
My Family and my time:
My family is very patient. Of course, being actively involved
in scientific and social circles means taking time off private life. But we all together
enjoy travels, connected with my research and we try to find interesting aspects for each
member of our family. Fortunately, the closed borders of the former Soviet Union were
brought down in the right time, when I was ready to accept and interpret the world with
the necessary experience.
Last update 22.05.2007