Born: May 25, 1954, Tukums district, Latvia
- Mathematical Modelling
- Numerical Methods
- Flows in Complex Structures
- Free Boundary Problems
- Parallel Computing
- Object Oriented Programming
Languages: Latvian, German, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1976
- M. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Numerical Mathematics and Cybernetics),
Moscow, Russia, cum laude, 1978
- Dr.math. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), M. Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Russia, 1986
- Postdoctoral studies, University of Kaiserslautern, 1989
- Assistant, University of Latvia, 1978-1990
- Assistant Professor, University of Latvia, 1990-1993
- Researcher, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany 1993-1998
- Researcher, Institute of Industrial Mathematics, Kaiserslautern, Germany 1998-2000
- Associate Professor, Ventspils University College, 2000 -
- Dean of the Economics& Management Faculty, Ventspils University College, 2002 -
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Gesellschaft Angewandte Matematik und Mechanik, Germany 1990
- Member of the International Editorial board for Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,
Lithuania, 1997
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (The
Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential
Equations), Lithuania, 1999-
University of Latvia:
- Approximation Methods
- Numerical Methods for Parallel Computers
- Solution of Partial Differential Equations
- Programming Languages
Ventspils University College
- Object Oriented Programming, 2001 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Zemitis. Mathematical models for impinging jets.
In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002( Eds A.Buikis, R.Ciegis, A.D.Fitt), Springer
Series Mathematics in Industry, 2004, pp.405-409
- A.Zemitis. On interactionof a liquid film with an obstacle. - Mathematical Modelling
& Analysis, 2002, vol. 7, N 2, pp. 327-342.
- A.Zemitis. On interaction of a liquid film with an obstacle. - Berichte des
Fraunhofer ITWM, 2001, N 27, 22 S.
- A.Papastavrou, R.Ciegis, A.Zemitis. Additive splitting methods for elliptic-parabolic
- Ann. Univ. Ferrara - Sez. VII- Sc. Mat., 2000, pp.391-306.
- A.Zemitis. Shape of the liquid film by impinging jets. - Preprint of the Fraunhofer
ITWM Kaiserslautern, 16 pages, submitted 2001.
- K. Velten, D. Schattauer, A. Zemitis, F.-J. Pfreundt and E. Hennig. A method for the
analysis and control of mica tape impregnation processes. - IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 1999, vol6, N 3, pp.363-369.
- R. Ciegis, A. Zemitis. Parallel numerical methods for flows in multilayer regions. - In:
Navier-Stokes equations and related nonlinear problems, 7th International
Conference, Ferrara, Italy, 13-17 September, 1999.
- A.Zemitis. The realization of coupling conditions for multilayered nonwovwen. - In:
Mathematical Modelling, Applied Problems of Mathematical Physics, Proceedings of Institute
of Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1998, vol.1, pp.125-133.
- R. Keck, M. Moog and A. Zemitis. Some numerical aspects of the level set method. - In: Mathematical
Modelling and Analysis, Vilnius: Technika, 1997, vol. 3, pp. 140-151.
- R. Ciegis and A. Zemitis. Numerical algorithms for simulation of the liquid transport in
multilayered fleece. - In: 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation and
Applied Mathematics, 1997, Berlin: Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, pp.117-122.
- A.Zemitis. Mathematical simulation of liquid transport in fleece. - In: Progress in
Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 94, 1996, Wiley, Teubner, pp.250-257.
- Cebers, A. Zemitis. A numerical experiment about the mhd-instability for the squeezed
droplet of the magnetic fluid. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 1983, vol. 4, pp.15-26. (in
Research projects
- A.Zemitis (Deputy Head of Project). Simulation of the Liquid Transport in Multi-layered
Porous Media. University of Kaiserslautern (1993-1997).
- A.Zemitis (Deputy Head of Project). Multiphase Flow in Multi-layered Porous Media . Industrial
project (Germany). (1998-1999).
- A.Zemitis (Deputy Head of Project). Multiphase Flow in Some Industrial Device. Industrial
project (Germany). (2000-2001).
- A.Zemitis (Coordinator of Project in Latvia). e_GASGRID (Action for Research and
Information Support for Gas Security and Supply Management in the European Grid) 5th
Framework programme, EC Contract No. NNE5/2002/85 http://egasgrid.grenoble.eur.slb.com/egasgrid/
- A.Zemitis (Coordinator of Project in Latvia) CODEWITZ project for Better Programming
Skills, EC Contract No. 109989-CP-1-2003-1-FI-MINERVA-M http://www.codewitz.net/index.html
- A.Zemitis (Coordinator of Project in Latvia) NETIAM (New and Emerging Themes in
Industrial and Applied Mathematics), 6th Framework Programme, EC Contract.
No 002513, http://www.smithinst.ac.uk/news/NETIAM (2004-2005)
- A.Zemitis ( Head of Project). Models Based on Differential Equations in Digital Image
Processing. Latvian Council of Science (2004 - )
Avocations: Mathematics, Music, Sport, Latvian Folk Dances