Born: December 23, 1962, Riga, Latvia
- Wireless and Satellite Communications
- Computer Networks
- Business Modelling and Specification Languages
- Inductive Inference and Machine Learning
- Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), 1986
- Dr.sc.comp. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D.in Western countries), Siberian
Division, Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), 1990
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Latvia, Riga, 1985-1991
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, New Mexico State
University, Las Cruces, NM, USA, 1991-1992
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia,
Riga, 1992-
- Technical Director, Latvian Research Network LATNET, Riga, 1992-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Advisor for Baltic countries, ACM Committee on Central and Eastern Europe
- Member, Baltnet Research Networking Board
- Member, Internet Society
- Certified Cisco Systems Instructor
- Baltic Network Proliferation. Invited Lecture. Nordic Conf. on Research and
Educational Networking NORDUNET-97, Reykjavik, Island, July 1, 1997
- Research Networks in Baltic Countries. Invited Lecture. Nordic Conf. on Research and
Educational Networking NORDUNET-94, Umea, Sweden, July 2, 1994
- Programming Languages, New Mexico State University, Spring 1992
- Object-Oriented Programming and C++, University of Latvia, 1992-1994
- Programming Languages, University of Latvia, 1993-1997
- Computer Networks, University of Latvia, 1993-1998
Recent/Representative Publications
- G.J.Barzdins. Experiments with mixed computation, Programmirovanie, 1:30-43, 1987
(in Russian)
- G.Barzdins. Mixed Computation and Compiler Basis, Proceedings of Workshop on Partial
and Mixed Computation, Denmark, October 1987, (Eds. D.Bjorner, A.P.Ershov, N.D.Jones),
North-Holland, 1988, pp.15-26.
- G.Barzdins. Inductive synthesis of encoding for algebraic data types, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1989, vol.397, pp.328-338.
- G.Barzdins. Inductive Synthesis of Term Rewriting Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer Verlag, 1991, vol.502, pp.253-285.
- Barzdins J, G.Barzdins. Towards Efficient Inductive Synthesis: Rapid Construction of
Local Regularities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1993,
vol.659, pp.132-140.
- J.Barzdins, G.Barzdins, K.Apsitis, U.Sarkans, Towards Efficient Inductive Synthesis of
Expressions from Input/Output Examples, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
Verlag,1993, vol.744, pp.59-72.
- G.Barzdins. Research Networks in the Baltic countries, Proceedings of the Nordic
Conf. on Research and Educational Networking NORDUNET-94, May31-June2, Umea, Sweden,
1994, 8 p.
- J.Barzdins, A.Kalnins, G.Barzdins. Rule-based Approach to Business Modelling, Proceedings
of the 7th Intern.Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE95, Knowledge
Systems Institute, 1995, pp.161-165.
- G.Barzdins, J.Kikuts, R.Balodis. Internet Development Trends in Latvia, Baltic
IT&T 97, April 2-4, 1997, Riga.
- I.Murane, G.Barzdins. Internet service providers in Latvia, BALTIC IT REVIEW,
1996, Nr.1, pp.49-52.
- G.Barzdins. Interneta Ziemassvetki (Re-birth of Internet), Datorpasaule, 1997,
Nr.12, pp.28-29 (in Latvian).
- A.Sidorovs, G.Barzdins. J.Lacis, K.Ogsts. Smart ARP: Merging IP and MAC Addressing for
low-cost gigabit Ethernet networks. - Proceedings of TNNC'99 conf., Lund, Sweden, 1999 (http://www.terena.nl/conf/tnnc/1b/1b2.html)
- G.Barzdins, J.Tully, A.Riekstins. Applications of high-speed wireless solutions for
developing countries: Lessons learnd in Latvia and Moldova. - Proceedings of INET'99
conf., San Jose, California, USA, 1999. (http://www.isoc.org/inet99/proceeding/4d/4d2.htm)
- G.Barzdins. Voice over IP via Satellite. - Proceedings of the International
Conference Broadband via Satellite, Brussels, November 20-21, 2001, 21p.
- G.Barzdins. UML + Spreadsheets as a telecommunications network documentation and
analysis tools. In: Databases and Information Systems (Selected papers from 6th
Intern. Baltic Conference DB&IS2004) (Eds. J.Barzdins, A.Caplinskis), IOS Press,
FAIA (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications) 2005, vol.118, pp.238-246.
Research Projects
- Visualization of knowledge bases, New Mexico State University, NSF, 1991-1992
- GRAPES Specification Language and GRADE tools, Infologistik and Siemens GmbH, 1992-1994
- Technical Director of Research Network of Latvia (LATNET), Nordic Council of Ministers,
Ministry of Education of Latvia, 1993-1997
Last update 22.08.2007