Elmars BLUMS
Born: February 5, 1936, Liepaja, Latvija
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Magnetic Fluids
Main Research Activities
Basic and applied problems of heat and mass transfer in multi-component media,
magnetohydrodynamics, mass transfer in electrochemistry, physical properties of magnetic
fluids, transport properties and thermomagnetic and diffusion-driven convection in
ferrofluids, high gradient magnetic separation of particles in colloids and in biologic
suspensions, magnetic fluid technology, engineering problems of magnetic fluids. Author of
more than 190 scientific works including 5 monographs, 1 handbook, 2 popular books, 3
edited books, 5 USSR author certificates.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1959
- Dr. phys. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1967
- Dr. habil. phys. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1976
- Professor (Heat and Mass Transfer), Supreme Attestation Commission of the USSR, 1983
- Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1959-1967
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968-1970
- Head of the Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer (1992-1997- Laboratory of Magnetic
Fluids), Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences (1970-1997), University of Latvia (since 1997)
Honors and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Full Member, Academia Scientarum et Artium Europeae (Salzburg, Austria), 1991
- Active Member, New-York Academy of Sciences, 1995
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fridrich Canders Prize, 1971
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Awards, 1976, 1982, 1992
- Award of the Council of Ministers of Latvia, 1985
- Honorary Title on Merits in Science, the Presidium of Supreme State Council of Latvia,
- Special Prize of Soros Foundation, 1993
- Diploma in honor of an Outstanding Contribution to Science and Higher
Education, (included in 2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century), International
Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, 1997
- The Alexander von Humbolt Research Award, 1999
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company "Grindex"
Prize, 2001
- The Grand Medal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Council of the International Association for Hydromagnetic Phenomena and
Applications HYDROMAG (associated with the Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
IUTAM), 1995 -
- Chairman, (Member since 1986), International Magnetic Fluid Steering Committee, 1998-
- Vice-President, International Association for Hydromagnetic Phenomena and Applications
- Member, Baltic Heat Transfer Committee (Lund, Sweden), 1991-
- Member, Science Committee of Latvian National UNESCO Committee, 1998-
- Member, Scientific Council of Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1970-
- Member, Councils of Promotion and Habilitation: Latvian Academy of Sciences (1969-
- Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of Energetics, Lithuanian Academy of
Sciences (1981-1990); Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, (Chairman
- Member, Scientific Council on Physical Problems of Magnetism (Section "Magnetic
Fluids"), Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1981-1991
- Member, Scientific Council on Mechanics of Fluids, Gases and Plasma (Section
"Magnetic Fluids"), Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1981-1991
- Chairman, Commission on Magnetic Fluid Research & Development of USSR State
Committee of Science and Technology, 1982-1984
- Vice-Chairman, Scientific Council on Magnetic Fluids, the USSR State Committee of
Science and Technology, 1984-1991
- Member, Scientific Council "Problems of Direct Energy Conversion", the Russian
Academy of Sciences, 1986-
- Member, Student Fraternity "Talavija" (member of Philistine Board 1991-1996),
- Member (Board Member 1993-1996), Latvian Physical Society, 1993-
- Member, German Physical Society, 1994 -
- Chairman, Fr. Canders Prize Committee and of Awards Committee, Latvian Academy of
Sciences to Students of Higher Education (physics, mathematics and engineering sciences),
- Member, Editorial Board of Publishers Computational Mechanics Publications,
- Member, Editorial Board for Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Ser. B,
1997- ; Magnetohydrodynamics, 1981- ; Power Engineering (Lithuanian
Academy of Sciences), 2004
Lectures and International Contacts:
- Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximmilians University of Munich (1993), University of
Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris (1994)
- Series of invited lectures at the international conferences (since 1980) and at the
universities in USA (1980, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1992), England (1981), Germany (1992, 1996,
1997), Japan (1986, 1991, 1997)
- Collaboration with universities in Germany, France, Sweden and with companies in USA.
Recent /Representative Publications
Monographs and Edited Books:
- E. Blums, A. Cebers, M. M. Maiorov, Magnetic Fluids, Walter de Gryuter & Co., Berlin
- New York, 1997, 416 p.
- Magnetic Fluids and Applications Handbook, UNESCO Series of Learning Materials, Eds. B.
Berkovsky (Editor in Chef), V. Bashtovoy, E. Blums, V. Cabuil, S. Kamiyama, R. Massart, K.
Nakatsuka, K. Raj, R. Rosensweig, Begell House Inc., New York-Wallingsford, 1996, 831 p.
- Advances in Engineering Heat Transfer, Eds. B. Sunden, E. Blums, A. Zukauskas,
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton-Boston, 1995, 694 p.
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, September 18-22,
Riga, 1989, editors: E. Blums, V. V. Gogosov, S. W. Charles, R. E. Rosensweig, J. Magn.
and Magn. Materials, 1990, vol.85, No. 1-3, 385 p.
- J. Blums, M. M. Maiorov, A. O Cebers, Magnetic Fluids, Zinatne, Riga, 1989, 386 p. (in
- E. Blums, Yu. A. Mikhailov, R. Ozols. Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Flows, World
Scientific, Singapore, 1987, 512 p.
- E. J. Blums, Yu. A. Mikhailov, R. J. Ozols, Heat and Mass Transfer in the Presence of a
Magnetic Field, Zinatne, Riga, 1980, 356 p. (in Russian)
- E. J. Blums, M. V. Zake, U. I. Ivanov, Yu. A. Mikhailov, Heat and Mass transfer in the
Presence of an Electromagnetic Field, Zinatne, Riga, 1967, 236 p. (in Russian)
Selected Review Articles and Contributed Papers:
- E.Blums, S.Odenbach. Dynamics of thermodiffusive separation of ferrofluids in vertical
columns: the effect of solute buoyancy. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2001, vol.37,
No 1/2, pp.187-194.
- T.Voelker, E.Blums, S.Odenbach. Thermodiffusive processes in ferrofluids. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2001, vol.37, No 3, pp.274-278.
- E. Blums, S. Odenbach, A. Mezulis, M. Maiorov. Soret Coefficient of Nanoparticles in
Ferrofluids in the Presence of a Magnetic Field. - Physics of Fluids, 1998,
vol.10, 9, pp.2155-2163.
- E. Blums, A. Mezulis, M. Maiorov, G. Kronkalns. Thermal Diffusion of Magnetic
Nanoparticles in Ferrocolloids: Experiments on Particle Separation in Vertical Columns,
J. Magn. and Magn. Materials, 1997,vol.169, pp.220-228.
- G. Kronkalns, M. Maiorov, E. Blums. Preparation and Properties of Temperature-Sensitive
Magnetic Fluids, Magnetohydrodynamics, 1997, vol.33, 1, pp. 92-96.
- E. Blums. Some New Problems of Complex Thermomagnetic and Diffusion Driven Convection in
Magnetic Colloids, J. Magn. and Magn. Materials, 1995, vol.149, 1-2,
- E. Blums, M. M. Maiorov, G. Kronkalns. Thermomagnetic Properties of Ferrofluids
Containing Chemically Coprecipitated Mn-Zn Ferrite Particles, IEEE Trans. Magn.,
1993, vol.29, 6, pp.3267-3269.
- E. Blums, A. Yu. Chukhrov. Separation Processes in Polydisperse Magnetic Fluids. - J.
Magn. and Magn. Materials, 1993, vol.122, pp.110-114.
- E. Blums, A. Yu. Chukhrov, A. Rimsa. Some Problems of Sub-Micron Particle Transfer near
the Filter Element at High-Gradient Magnetic Separation. - Int. J. Heat and Mass
Transfer, 1987, vol.30, 8, pp.1607-1613.
- A. Yu. Plavins, E. J. Blums, Magnetic Properties and Para-and Diamagnetic Phoresis of
Blood Cells at High-Gradient magnetic Separation. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 1983, 4,
pp. 3-8 (in Russian)
- E. J. Blums, Yu. A. Mikhailov. Experimental Study of Heat and Mass transfer in Turbulent
MHD-Flows. - Proc. 5th International Heat Transfer Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1974,
TC7.5, pp. 289-293.
- E.Blums, S.Odenbach. Thermophoretic separation of ultrafine particles in ferrofluids in
thermal diffusion column under the effect of a MHD convection. - Int. J. Heat and Mass
Transfer, 2000, vol.43, No 9, pp.1637-1649.
- E. Blums , S. Odenbach , T.Völker . Thermodiffusive Processes in Ferrofluids. - Magnetohydrodynamics,
2001, vol. 37, N 3, pp. 274-278 .
- E. Blums , S. Odenbach. Dynamics of Thermodiffusive Separation of Ferrofluids in
Vertical Columns: the Effect of Solute Buoyancy. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 2001,
vol. 37, N 1/2, pp. 187-194.
- E. Blums. Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena.- In: Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 594,
Ferrofluids: Magnetically Controllable Liqiuds and Applications (Ed. S. Odenbach),
Berlin- Heidelberg: Springer, 2002, pp. 124-139.
- E. Blums, A. Mezulis, N. Buske, M. Maiorov. Thermophoretic Separation of a
Ferrofluid-Water Emulsion: Preliminary Experiments. - J. Magn. Magn. Materials,
2002, vol.252, pp. 215-217.
- E. Blums. Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena. - J. Magn. Magn. Materials, 2002,
vol.252, pp. 189-193.
- A.Mezulis, M. Maiorov, E. Blums. Transport Properties of an Ionic Magnetic Colloid:
Experimental Study of Increasing the Ionic Strength. - J. Magn. Magn. Materials,
2002, vol.252, pp. 221-223.
- E. Blums. Thermodiffusive Separation of Ferrofluids in Vertical Column under the Effect
of a Combined Thermal and Soret Driven Convection. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 2002,
vol.38, 3, pp.253-264.
- T.Völker, E.Blums, S.Odenbach, Thermodiffusion in Magnetic Fluids. - J. Magn. Magn.
Materials, 2002, vol.252, pp.218-220.
- E. Blums. Magnetic Soret Effect in Ferrofluids: Experimental Results and New Problems. -
Magnetohydrodynamics, 2003, vol.39, No.3, pp.351 358.
- Mezulis, E. Blums. Two-Dimensional Determining of the Transport Coefficients under an
Applied Magnetic Field. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 2003, vol.39, No 3, pp. 367 - 374.
- E. Blums. Separation of Ferrocolloids in Thermodiffusion Column under the Combined
Action of Thermal and Solute Buoyancy. - In: Advances in Heat Transfer Engineering,
(Proc. 4th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, August 25 27, 2003), Eds. B.
Sunden, J. Vilemas. Begell House, Inc (New York) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (Kaunas),
2003, pp. 491 498.
- Mezulis, E. Blums. Optical Studies of the Thermodiffusion in Ferrocolloids under Applied
Magnetic Field. - In: Advances in Heat Transfer Engineering, (Proc. 4th Baltic
Heat Transfer Conference, August 25 27, 2003), Eds. B. Sunden, J. Vilemas.
Begell House, Inc (New York) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (Kaunas), 2003, pp. 805
- G. Kronkalns, M.Maiorov, E. Blums. Temperature-Sensitive Ferrofluids for Thermomagnetic
Cooling Devices. - In: Advances in Heat Transfer Engineering, (Proc. 4th Baltic
Heat Transfer Conference, August 25 27, 2003), Eds. B. Sunden, J. Vilemas.
Begell House, Inc (New York) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (Kaunas), 2003, pp. 247
- T. Voelker, E. Blums, S. Odenbach. Determination of the Soret coefficient of magnetic
particles in a ferrofluid from the steady and unsteady part of the separation curve. - International
J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, September 2004, vol.47, Issues 19-20, pp. 4315-4325
- E. Blums. New problems of particle transfer in Ferrocolloids: Soret effect and
thermoosmosis. - The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter, November 2004,
vol.15, No.3, pp. 271-276.
- E.Blums. New transport properties of Ferrocolloids: Magnetic Soret Effect and
Thermomagnetoosmosis. - J. Magn. Magn. Materials, 2005, vol.289, pp.246-249.
- E.Blums, G.Kronkalns, M.M.Maiorov, A.Mezulis. Thermoosmotic transfer of sterically
stabilized Ferrofluid particles in nonisothermal capillary porous layer. - J. Magn.
Magn. Materials, 2005, vol.289, pp.275-277.
- A.Mezulis, E.Blums. The presence of microconvective instability in optically induced
gratings. - j. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2007, vol. 32, p. 331-340.
- Th. volker, E.Blums, S.Odenbach. heat and mass Phenomema in Magnetic Fluids. -
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 2007, vol. 30, N 1, pp. 185-194.
Research Projects
- E.Blums (Head of Project). Diffusive and Convective Transfer of Nanoparticles in
Non-isothermal Ferocolloids and Capillary-porous Media. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
- E.Blums (Head of Project). Transport Properties and convection in Ferroocolloids Under
Thermal, Optical and Magnetic Stratifications. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- E.Blums (Head of Project). Thermophoresis of Ultra-Small Particles and Complex Heat and
Mass Transfer Phenomena in Temperature-Sensitive Magnetic Colloids. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
- E.Blums (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Thermodiffusive Transport in Ferrofluids.
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, FRG (1996-1998)
- E.Blums (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Thermomagnetic Properties of Complex
Ferrite Based Ferrofluids. Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, Sweden (1996)
- E.Blums (Head of the Project). Complex Ferrite Based Ferrofluids: Physical Properties
and Convection Phenomena. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- E.Blums (Head of the Project). Thermomagnetic Properties of Nanoparticles and
High-Gradient magnetic Separation of Temperature-Sensitive Ferrofluids in Thermal
Diffusion Column. International Science Foundation, USA (1994-1995)
- Personal Grant. Magnetic Convection and Heat and Mass Transfer in Ferrofluids. Commission
of the European Communities, European Union (1993)
- E.Blums (Head of the Project). High-Gradient Magnetic Separation in Polydisperse Systems
and Stability of Temperature-Sensitive Magnetic Fluids. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Blums (Supervisor of the Latvian part on topic). Preparation and Properties of
Magnetic Liquids. Collaboration Agreement between University of Pierre and Marie
Curie (France) and Institute of Physics (Latvia), supported by grants for visits of
researchers and Ph.D. students, 1992-
Avocations: choral singing, classical music
Last update 12.02.2008