Professor Andris BUIKIS
Raina bulv. 29,
Riga, LV - 1459
Tel.: + 371 6722 5674
Fax: + 371 6722 7520
E-mail: buikis@latnet.lv |
Born: March 15, 1939, Valka, Latvia
- Mathematical Modelling
- Mathematical Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer, Especially for Layered Media
- Analytical and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- Innovative Energetic
- Philosophy of Science
Languages: German, English, Latvian, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1963
- Dr.math. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), University of Latvia, 1970
- Dr.habil.math. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), University of Kasan, Russia, 1988
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1991
- Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Computing Centre, University of Latvia, 1962 -
- Assistant Professor and Head of Chair of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Physics and
Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1972 - 1976
- Assistant Professor and Head of Chair of Differential Equations and Numerical Methods,
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1976 - 1984
- Senior Researcher, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1984 - 1986
- Assistant Professor, Chair of Differential Equations and Numerical Methods, Faculty of
Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1986 - 1988
- Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1988 - 1991
- Director, Institute of Mathematics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian University,
1991 - 1996; 2003 - 2006
- Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Physics (1996 -2006 ) and Head of Scientific Council
(1996 2003), Institute of Mathematics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian
- Director, Science and Dialogue Centre of Latvia, 1993 -2007
- Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Technologies (2006-), Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Latvia
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- 1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Piers Bohl Prize for a cycle of papers Method of
Conservative Averaging, Theory and Applications, 2005
- Member of Board, Soros Foundation - Latvia, 1997
- Head of "Spidola" Council, Culture Foundation of Latvia, 1987 - 1992
- Member of Board, Vidzemes University College, 1996 - 1998
Professional Activties and Memberships:
- Member, Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994 -
- Member, Vidzeme University College Advisory Board, 1997-2002
- Vice-Chairman (in Mathematics), Latvian Council of Science
Expert Committee on "Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy", 1991 - 1993
- Chairman, Promotion Council for Mathematics, 1992 -
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (The
Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential
Equations), Lithuania, 1999-
- Editor, Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002 , Springer
- Member, Editorial Board for International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences
(IJAMS), 2004 -
- Member, Gesellschaft Angewandte Matematik und Mechanik, Germany 1991 -
- Member, International Sociological Association, 1998-2002
- Holder of state capital share at The Latvian Institute,
1998 -2004
- Member, American Mathematical Society, 1999
- Member, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2006-
University of Latvia:
- The Equations of Mathematical Physics
- The Principles of Mathematical Modelling
- The Problems of Mathematical Physics with Discontinuous Coefficients
- Splines in Mathematical Physics
- The Mathematical Models for Processes in Porous Media
Recent Publications:
- A. Buikis, N. Ulanova. Modelling of non - isotermal gas flow through a heterogeneous
medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 1996, 39, 8, pp.1743-1748.
- A. Buikis. Definition and calculation of a generalized integral parabolic spline, Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, B, 1995, 7/8, pp.97-100.
- A.Buikis, A.D.Fitt. A mathematical model for the heat treatment of glass fabric sheets.
- IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business&Industry, 1998, 9, pp.1-32.
- A.Buikis, M.Buike. Closed two-dimensional solution for the heat transfer in a periodical
system with a fin. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sec.B,
1998, vol.52, 2(607), pp.218-222.
- A.Buikis. The evolution of humanity from an element of Biosphere to Noosphere through
Dissipative Structures. - Abstracts of 14 th World Congress of Sociology, 1998,
- A.Buikis, J.Ekmanis et al. National Concept of the Republic of Latvia on Research
Development. Riga, 1998, 22p.
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Non-Isothermal Mathematical Model of Wood and
Paper Drying. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. Springer, 2002,
- A.Buikis, H.Kalis. Numerical modelling of heat and magneto hydrodynamic flows in a
finite cylinder. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Vol.2, No.3, 2002,
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, A.Reinfelds. ECMI - 2002. ECMI Newsletter, No.32, October,
2002, p.21-22.
- A.Buikis, S.Guseinov. Some one-dimensional coefficients inverse model problems of the
heat transfer. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sec.B, 2003,
vol.57, No 3/4(626), pp.133-137.
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Mathematical model of sawn timber drying.
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sec.B, 2003, vol.57, No 3/4
(626), pp.128-132.
- A.Buikis, R.Ciegis, A.D.Fitt (Editors). Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002.
12th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. Proceedings, Riga,
September, 2002, Springer, Series: Mathematics in Industry, 2004, 409 p.
- A.Buikis, H. Kalis. Creation of temperature field in finite cylinder by alternated
electromagnetic force. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002.
12th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. Springer,
Series: Mathematics in Industry, 2004, pp.247-251.
- A.Buikis, H. Kalis. Flow and temperature calculations of electrolyte for a finite
cylinder in the alternating field of finite number circular wires. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2004, vol. 40, No. 1, 77-90.
- A.Buikis, H.Kalis. The vortex formation in horizontal finite cylinder by alternating
electric current. - Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2005, vol.10, N 1, pp.
- A.Buikis, H.Kalis, J. Schatz. Velocity Field in the Ideal Fluid, Induced by Vortex
Curves in a Finite Cylinder and Cone. - WSEAS Transactions on Environment and
Development. Vol. 1, Issue 1, October 2005, p. 26-32.
- A.Buikis, M.Buike. Some analytical 2-D steady-state solutions for systems with
rectangular fin. - IASME Transactions, 2005, vol. 2, Issue 7, pp. 1112-1119.
- A.Buikis, Conservative averaging as a approximate method for solution of some direct and
inverse heat transfer problems.-Advanced Computational Methods in Heat transfer IX,
WITpress, 2006, p. 311-320.
- A. Bruvere, A. Buikis. Analytical 3-D steady-state statement for cylindrical fin and
some of its approximate solutions. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS
TRANSFER, Issue 4, vol.1, 2006, p. 415-422.
- Vilums, R., Buikis, A. Conservative averaging method for partial differential equations
with discontinuous coefficients. WSEAS Transactions of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.
1, Issue 4, 2006, p. 383-390.
- M.Buike, A.Buikis. Modelling of three-dimensional transport process in anisotropic
layered stratum by conservative averaging method. WSEAS Transactions of Heat and
Mass Transfer, 2006, vol. 1, issue 4, pp.430-437.
- M.Buike, A.Buikis. System of various mathematical models for transport processes in
layered strata with interlayers. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Issue 4, vol.6,
2007, p. 551-558.
- M. Buike, A. Buikis. Approximate Solutions of Heat Conduction Problems in
Multi-dimensional Cylinder Type Domain by Conservative Averaging Method, Part 1. Heat
Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment. WSEAS Press, 2007, p. 15-20.
- A. Buikis, M. Buike. Approximate Solutions of Heat Conduction Problems in
Multi-dimensional Cylinder Type Domain by Conservative Averaging Method, Part 2. Heat
Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment. WSEAS Press, 2007, p. 21-26.
- S. Kostjukova, A. Buikis. Mathematical Model for Diffusion-Sorption Processes in Layered
Strata with Interlayers. Environmental Science, Ecosystems and Development. WSEAS
Press, 2007, p.7-12.
- A. Piliksere, A. Buikis. Exact Analytical 3-D Steady-State Solution for Cylindrical Fin.
Topics in Advanced Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. WSEAS Press, 2007, p.1-6.
- R. Vilums, A. Buikis. Transient Heat Conduction in 3D Fuse Modeled by Conservative
Averaging Method. Topics in Advanced Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. WSEAS
Press, 2007, p.54-59.
- A. Buikis, M. Buike. Exact 3-D Solution for System with Rectangular Fin, Part 1. Applied
Mathematics in Science and Engineering WSEAS Press, 2007, p. 64-69.
- A. Buikis, M. Buike. Exact 3-D Solution for System with Rectangular Fin, Part 2. Applied
Mathematics in Science and Engineering WSEAS Press, 2007, p. 70-75.
- M. Buike, A. Buikis. Exact Transient Solution for System with Rectangular Fin. Theoretical
and Experimental Aspects of Heat and Mass Transfer. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 25-30.
- A. Buikis, M. Buike, N. Ulanova. Analytically-Numerical Solution for Transient Process
in the System with Rectangular Fin. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Heat and
Mass Transfer. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 31-36.
Research Projects:
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). The Problems of Mathematical Physics with Discontinuous
Parameters. Latvian Council of Science (1990 - 1992).
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Modelling the Long - Term Process of Pollution and
Purification of Underground Water. Latvian Council of Science (1990 - 1992).
- A. Buikis (Deputy Head of Project). The Problems of Mathematical Physics Including
Nonlinear with Rapidly - Changing and Jumped Parameters. Latvian Council of Science (1993
- 1995).
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Interaction among Different Factors of Pollution in
Nonhomogeneous Underground Water Systems. Latvian Council of Science (1993 -
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Non-classical Problems of Mathematical Physics for composed
domains and their application. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 1999)
- A. Buikis (Head of Latvian Part). EC Contract Nr.: ERBCIPDCT940012. Mathematics as an
Industrial Ressource. (1994 - 1996).
- A. Buikis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Transport in Layered Porous Media. Latvian
University and Insitute of Techno - and Economy Mathematics, Kaiserslautern, Germany
(1997 - 2001).
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Development of Efficient Algorithms fore Direct and Inverse
Problems of Mathematical Physics in Complex Structures. Latvian Council of Science (2001
- 2004)
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Optimization of Energy Resource Consumption in the Paper
Production. Eureka Nr. E! 2623 (2002 - 2007)
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Mathematical Models for Heat Transfer Processes in
Piecewise Homogeneous Media and Their Analytical and Numerical Solution. Latvian
University (2004 - )
- A. Buikis (Head of Project). Investigation and Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems
of Mathematical Physics in Complicated Media. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -)
Last update 27.02.2008