Professor Igor KABASHKIN
Vice-Rector for Research and Development
Transport and Telecommunication Institute,
Director of Telematics and Logistics InstituteLomonosova iela 1
Riga, LV 1019
Phone: +371 7100594
Fax: +371 7100535
E-mail: kiv@tsi.lv |
Born: August 6,1954, Riga, Latvia
- Operations Research
- Information Technology Applications
- Electronics and Telecommunication
- Decision Support Systems
- Analysis and Modelling of Complex Systems
- Air Traffic Control Systems
- Transport Telematics and Logistics
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. Degree, Riga Aviation University, 1993
- Dr.sc.ing. Degree (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Moscow Civil Aviation Engineering Institute, 1981
- Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Faculty of Radio Engineering), 1977
- Vice-Rector for Research and Development Affairs, Professor, Transport and
Telecommunication Institute, 1999-
- Director, RAU Telematics and Logistics Institute, 1998-
- First Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, Riga Aviation University,
- Professor, Department of Avionics and Air Traffic Control Systems, Riga Aviation
University, 1992 - 1999
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Advanced Study, Riga Aviation University, 1990-1994
- Researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Riga Aviation University,
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint-Stock Company DATI and the Educational
Foundation of Latvia for significant studies in computer science and informatics, 2002
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint-Stock Company "Latvijas Gaisa
Satiksme" and the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2001
- Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology. The Center for
Advancement of Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, Florida, USA. April, 1998
- Commemorative Medal Man of the Year of the American Biographical Institute
for outstanding community and professional achievement, 1998
- Decree of Merit for Outstanding Contribution to Operations Research. The International
Biographical Centre. Cambridge, England. May, 1998
- Certificate of Merit, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1997
- The USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements, Gold Medal (1985) and Silver Medal
- Merited Inventor of Latvia, 1989
- Silver Prize, USSR Council of Science, 1987
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Latvian Member of the European Commission COST (European Co-operation in the Field of
Scientific and Technical Research) Technical Committee on Transport, 1999-
- Member, Research Board of Advisors of American Biographical Institute, 1999-
- Member, Air Transport Research Group of the WCTR (World Conference on Transport
Research) Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 1998
- Member, IEEE Reliability Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Education Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Computer Society, 1998-
- Member, European Association of International Education, 1999-
- Member, World Aerospace Education Organisation, 1998-
- Member, Association for Computing Machinery, 1998-
- Member, New York Academy of Science, 1998-
- Member (Academician), International Telecommunication Academy, 1996-
- Member (Academician), Baltic Informatization Academy, 1995-
- Member (Academician), International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences,
- Member, Latvian Professors Association, 1996-
- Member of Board, Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, 1996-
- Chairman, Latvian Branch of International Program Step into the Future: Youth and
Science Looking into the Third Millennium, 1996-1998
- Co-editor and Member of Editorial Board, International Journal Air Transportation
World Wide, USA, 1996 present
- Editor, Journal "Computer Modelling and New Technologies", Latvia, 1996-
- Editor, Work Papers "Transport and Telecommunication", Latvia, 2000-
- Chairman, The International Conference "Aviation, Ecology, Technosphere
Looking into the Third Millennium", Riga, 1996
- Chairman, The International Conference "Probabilistic Analysis of Rare Events:
Theory and Problems of Safety, Insurance and Ruin" (RareEvents99), Riga, 1999
- Chairman, The International Conference "Aviation Reliability" (AviaRel'99),
Riga, 1999
Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga Aviation University:
- Reliability of Electronic Systems
- Computer Aided Design of Electronic Systems
- Maintenance of Avionics
- Maintenance of Air Traffic Control Systems
- Modelling of Complex Technical Systems
- Local Area Networks and Databases
- Intelligent Computer Technologies
- Transport Telematics and Logistics
Recent /Representative Publications
- I.Kabashkin. A method of calculating the reliability indices of a Class of Marcov System
Models. - Eng. Cybernetics, 1984, vol.22 (5), pp.18-21
- I.Kabashkin. Determination of instrumental authenticity indices by means of the Monte
Carlo Method.- Telecommunication and Radio Engineering, 1988, 7, pp.76-78 (in
- I.Kabashkin. Design of the optimal diagnostic system for complex technical objects. -
Reliability and Quality Control, 1990. 11, pp.50-55 (in Russian)
- I.Kabashkin. Optimisation model for distribution control of multichannel automated radio
centre.- Telecommunication and Radio Engineering, 1991, 5, pp.38-40 (in Russian)
- I.Kabashkin. Prediction model of the residual service life of operational systems. -
Reliability and Quality Control, 1991, 5, pp.41-44 (in Russian)
- I.Kabashkin. Automated Complexes for Maintenance Monitoring of Air Traffic Control
Systems. Moscow: Air Transport, 1992, 140 pp. (in Russian)
- I.Kabashkin. Modelling of the process of inspections and diagnostics of sophisticated
structurally bound systems, using the Body of E-network Mathematics. - Reliability and
Quality Control, 1994, 1, pp.5-18 (in Russian)
- I.Kabashkin. Maintenance-oriented design of new communication means. - In: Telecommunications
and World Development. Prognoses, Technologies, Services. Proc. Intern. Telecommunication
Academy Forum ITA'97, February 4-6, 1997, Moscow, Russia, 1997, pp.182-188
- I.Kabashkin. Evaluation of the training needs in the air traffic control systems. - Proc.
3rd Intern. Aviation Forum, September, 8-10, 1997, London, pp.46-48
- I.Kabashkin. Artificial intelligence technology for reliability control in maintenance
process of the complex technical systems. - Proc. VIII Intern. Congress
"Maintenance of Technical Systems", September, 23-26, 1997, Krynica Gorska,
Polska, pp.457-464
- I.Kabashkin. Dynamic control of structure resources for multistation access of satellite
transponder. - Proc. Intern. Scientific Conference "Satellite Communication and
Navigation Systems (SatCom'97)", Sept.30 - Oct.3, 1997, Krasnoyarsk, Russia,
- I.Kabashkin. Development of integrated information Network for multimodal transport
system. - Proc. Intern. Conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks
(DCCN'97)", Nov. 4-8, 1997, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp.97-100
- I.Kabashkin. Reliability dynamic model based on Petri Net Application for systems with
Built-in Test equipment. - Proc. 5th Intern. Conference "Aircraft and Helicopters
Diagnostics" AIRDIAG'97, December 11-12, 1997, Warszawa, Poland, pp.87-92
- I.V. Kabashkin. Dynamic Reliability Models of Complex Engineering Systems Based on Petri
Nets. - Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 1997, vol. 31, 3, pp.46-51
- Igor V.Kabashkin. The Integrated Model of information Infrastructure for National
Multimodal Transit Transport System . - Proceedings of the International
Telecommunication Academi Forum ITA'98 "Globalization and personalization of
Infocommunication Services and Technologies", 4-6 April, 1998, Moscow. - Moscow,
Russia, 1998
- I.Kabashkin. Computer-based Training Strategies for the Future Air Navigation
Technologies - Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on College Teaching
and Learning "Teaching, Learning and Technology: A Global Search for Innovative
Learning Strategies", April 15-18, 1998 Jacksonville, Florida. - Florida, USA,
- I.Kabashkin. The Main Activities of Research and Technological Development in the Field
of Latvian Intermodal Transport . - Proceedings of the 3-rd International Conference
"Baltic Transit Gateway'98", 11-12 June, 1998, Riga, Latvia. - Riga, 1998,
- I.Kabashkin. Satellite-Based Communication Systems for Air Traffic Management:
Transition Period Problems of the New Technologies Operation . - Proceedings of the
International Conference Global and Regional Infotelecommunication Structures:
Fiber-optic, Satellite and Mobile Communication Networks and Systems, Athens,
Greece, 14-16 December, 1998. Athens, Greece, International Telecommunication
Academy, 1998,pp. 70-75
- Igor Kabashkin. The Integrated Model of Information Infrastructure for Multimodal
Transit Transport System//DIKU Report N 97/23, Proceedings of the Nordic Operation
Research Conference NOAS'97. - University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998, pp. 255-263.
- I.Kabashkin, B.Michnev, G.Utehin. Using TQM and ISO 9000 Principles in Assuring
Education Service Quality. - Journal of Air Transportation World Wide,
1998, vol.3, N 2, pp. 70-77
- Kabashkin I. Virtual University as Transport Institutions Network for Open Learning of
the Modern Transport Technologies. - Proceedings of the 19-th World Conference on Open
Learning and Distance Education, June 20-24, 1999, Vienna, Austria.
- Kabashkin I. Identification and Modelling of Urban Transport System: Case Study in
Latvia . - Proceedings of the 11-th Mini-EURO Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Transportation Systems and Science, and the 7-th EURO-Working Group Meeting on
Transportation, August 2-6, 1999. Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland.
- Kabashkin I., Zarumba I. Urban Transport Development Programme: Case Study in Latvia. -
Proceedings of the International Conference Modelling and Management in
Transportation., October 12-16, 1999. Poznan-Cracow, Poland.
Volume 2, pp. 313-318.
- I.Kabashkin. Transport Telematics. Riga, 1999, 340 p.
- I.Kabashkin. Air Navigation Systems. Introduction to the New Concept. Riga, 2001, 342 p.
- I.Kabashkin. Reliability models for communication channel of air traffic control system
with different test strategies. Computer Modelling and New Technologies,
2001, vol.5, No 1, pp.90-95
- I.Kabashkin. Reliability intelligent transport system development: Case study in Latvia.
Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2002, vol.6, No 2, pp.39-44.
- I. Kabashkin. Freight transport logistics. Case Study in Latvia. Transport and
Telecommunication. 2003, vol. 4, N 2, pp. 28-32.
- I.Kabashkin. The main directions of research in European transport programmes on
logistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
Business and Logistics - 2003, 7 February 2003, Moscow, Russia, 2003, pp.
- I.Kabashkin. The problems of logistics within the frame of European platform for
transport research. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2004,
vol.V, No 1, pp.31-38.
- I.Kabashkin. Transport history in Latvian bibliography. In: Towards an European
Intermodal Transport Network: Lessons from History, AHICF, Paris, 2004, pp.117-118
- I.Kabashkin. Intelligent Transport Systems: Integration of Future Global Technologies
(part 1). - Proceedings of International Telecommunication Technologies,
2005, N 4 (35), pp.3-10.
- I.Kabashkin. Optimal Monitoring Strategy for Communication Channel of Intelligent
Transport Systems with Periodical Sessions of Activity. - Proceedings of the
International Conference on Operation Research Simulation and Optimisation in
Business and Industry. 17-20 May 2006,Tallinn, Estonia, 2006. pp.201-206
- I. Kabashkin. Intelligent Built-in-test Equipment for Air Traffic Control Systems. - Proceedings
of the Air Transport Research Society International Conference2006. 26-28 May,
2006, Nagoya, Japan. 2006, pp.168-172.
- I. Kabashkin. Spatial Planning Processes. Latvia.- In the book: Integrating
Logistics Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region. Case Study on Spatial Planning and
Logistics Centres, Center of Maritime Studies, Finland, 2006, pp.19-31.
- I.Kabashkin. Logistics Centres Development. - Proceedings of the European Transport
Conference (ETC2006). 18-20 September 2006, Strasbourg, France, PTRC,
London, 2006, pp.134-148.
Research Projects
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Project). Computer Aided Remote Maintenance and Monitoring of Air
Traffic Control Systems. Estonian Civil Aviation Administration (1993-1994)
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Project). Expert and Artificial Intelligence Systems for Air
Navigation Service and ATC Systems Maintenance. Estonian Civil Aviation Administration
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Project). Integrated Information and Intelligent Decision Support
Systems for Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia. Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Latvia (1994-1996)
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Project). Information and Decision Support System of Social
Assistance Service. Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia (1997)
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Project). Computer Aided Remote Control and Monitoring of Air
Traffic Control Systems. Estonian Civil Aviation Administration (1997)
I.Kabashkin. (Co-ordinator of Project). Engineering Education and Research Integration
in Latvia. EC TEMPUS S-JEP-09777/95 (1995-1998)
I.Kabashkin. (Head of Subproject). Conception of Riga City Transport Development
1999-2003. Riga City Council (1998-1999)
I.Kabashkin (Co-ordinator of Project). Latvian National R&D Program
"Optimisation of Latvian Transport System".
Latvian Council of Science (1996-2000).
I.Kabashkin (National Co-ordinator of Project). Parking Policy Measures and their
Effects on Mobility and Economy. European COST Action 342 (2000-2003)
I.Kabashkin (National Co-ordinator of Project). Towards a European Intermodal Transport
Network. European COST Action 340 (2000-2005)
Last update 12.10.2007