Born: February 6, 1951
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Diagnosis and Classification
- Soil Testing methods
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Agronomy), 1977
- Dr. agr. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Lithuanian
Agricultural Academy, 1982
- Dr. habil. agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997
Latvia University of Agriculture :
- Agronomist and Senior Researcher, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1977 -
- Lecturer and Asssociate Professor, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 -
- Head, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 -
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, 1993 - 1998
- Professor of Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1997 -
- Director, Professor of Soil Fertility, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, 2005 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of Latvia, 1992 -
- Foreign Member, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Agriculture, 1994 - 1996
- Vice-president, Latvian Society of Agronomy, 1994 - 1998
- President, Latvian Society of Soil Science, 1994 -
- Member, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, 1997 -
- Member, International Society of Soil Science, 1997 -
- Member, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1996 -
Latvia University of Agriculture:
- Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use, 1983 -
- Soil Chemistry, 1995 -
- Fertilization Systems, 1995 -
- Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, 1995 -
- Soil Science, 1998 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- A. Karklins. Compatibility of CEC determination methods used in Latvia and Nordic
Countries. - Proceedings of NJF-seminar No. 228 "Soil Tillage and
Environment", Jokioinen, Finland, 8 - 10 June 1993, pp. 319 - 324.
- A. Karklins, A. Znutina and H. Kaush. Status of H, S, T and V values in Latvia soils. - Papers,
International Symposium "Long-term Static Fertilizer Experiments",
Warszawa-Krakow, 15 - 18 June 1993, 2, pp. 99 - 107.
- A. Karklins. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers (textbook), Riga:Raziba, 382 pp. (in
- A. Karklins. Comparison of some soil total nitrogen determination methods. - Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1995, vol. 1 (278), pp. 1 - 7.
- A. Karklins. Comparison of determination methods for soil acidity and base saturation. -
Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 3 (280), pp. 3 - 6 (in
- A. Karklins. Comparison of CEC determination methods. - Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6 (283), P. 26 - 35 (in Latvian).
- A. Karklins. Soil description according to the internationally recognized principles. -
Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6 (283), pp. 36 - 41 (in
- A. Vucans, I. Gemste, A. Karklins. First results of the complex observations of
Agricultural Land monitoring (1992 - 1995). - Proceedings of the Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6 (283), pp. 42 - 54 (in Latvian).
- A. Karklins. Model of soils agrochemical properties. - Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1997, vol. 11 (288), pp. 3 - 8 (in Latvian).
- A. Karklins. Comparison of soil organic matter determination methods. - Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997, vol. 11 (288), pp. 9 - 13.
- A. Karklins. Soil resources inventory and fertilizer use according to the principles of
sustainable agriculture. - Research summary for Dr.habil.agr. degree (in Agriculture),
1997, Jelgava, 113 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Karklins, A. Vucans, I. Gemste. The three level
agricultural land monitoring in Latvia. - Proceedings of the 16th
World Congress of Soil Science, August 20 26, 1998, Montpellier, France, on
CD-ROM / file://DI/en/symt12.htm, pp. 1 5.
- A. Karklins. Plant available phosphorus in Latvian
soils and trend in fertilizer use // Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica. - Proceedings
International Symposium CIEC, PFS and Workshops IMPHOS, IPI, September 27 30, 1998,
Pulawy, Poland, vol 3. Polish Society of Agrotechnical Sciences. -
Pulawy, 1998. pp. 310 - 316.
- A. Karklins. Book review Jie Shen, R. L.
Kushwaha. Soil Machine Interactions: A Finite Element Perspective, 1998, Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel-Hong Kong, 333 p. / Arid Soil Research and
Rehabilitation, 1998, vol. 13.
- A. Karklins, A. Vucans, I. Gemste. The three level
agricultural land monitoring in Latvia. - 16th World Congress of Soil
Science, August 20 26, 1998, Montpellier, France / Summaries of Symposiums,
vol. 1, 1998, P 226.
- A.Karklins. Soil map of Latvia - a new version. - Nordisk Jordbruksforskning,
1999, vol. 81, N 2, P 142.
- L.Skrastina, A.Karklins. Nutrient balances in the Mellupite watershed. - Agriculture
Scientific Articles/ Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian University of
Agriculture, 1999, vol. 66, pp. 186-197.
- A.Karklins. Soil resources management in Latvia. - Rural Development: Contents,
Models and Policies in the E.U., Towards the 21th Century (Book of Abstracts),
University of Perugia, 1999, pp. 1-5.
- A. Karklins. Soil degradation in Latvia current status and actualities. - Conference
Soils in Central European Countries, New Independent States, Central Asian Countries
and in Mongolia, August 26 29, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
- A. Karklins. Use of World Reference Base for Soil Resources in Latvia.- 3rd
International Crop Science Congress 2000 ICSC, August 17 22, 2000, Hamburg,
- A.Karklins. Soil testing in Latvia. - In: Fertilizers and Fertilization/ Journal of
the Polish Fertilizer Society - CIEC, 2000, N 2(3), pp. 10-18.
- A.Karklins. Model for the calculation of nutrient offtake by crop: 'OFTAKE ' model. - Journal
of the Polish Fertilizer Society - CIEC, 2001, N 1(6), pp. 63-74.
- H.ten Berge, E. Fotyma, P.Cermak, R.Bujnovski, A.Karklins, A.Pogulis, J.Bos. Using crop
nitrogen response functions in nutrient fertilizer recommendation at field and farm level.
- Journal of the Polish Fertilizer Society - CIEC, 2001, N 2(7), pp.
- R.Bujnovski, E. Fotyma, T.Jadczyszyn, A.Karklins, J.Klir, et al. Towards the strategy
for phosphorus and potassium rate calculation. - Agriculture (Ministry of
Agriculture of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava), 2002, vol. 48, pp. 44-50.
- A. Karklins. A comparative study of the Latvian Soil Classification with WRB. - In:
Soil Classification 2001. E. Micheli, F. O. Nachtergaele, R. J. A. Jones, L.
Montanarella (eds). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 7, EUR 20398 EN, (2002).
Luxembourg: Office for Official publications of the European Communities, pp. 199-209.
- A.Karklins. Fertilize recommendations to meet the requirements of Good Agricultural
Practice. - In: Fertilisers in Context with Resource Management in Agriculture
(Ed. by E.Schnug, J.Nagy, T.Nemeth, et al.). Proc. 14 th Int. Symposium on Fertilizers,
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Debrecen, June 22-25, 2003, Debrecen,
Hungary, 2003, Vol. 1, pp. 272-278.
- A. Karklins. WRB and Latvian soil classification applicability for soil
information users // In: Soil Classification 2004, Ed. by: P. V. Krasilnikov
/ Book of abstracts of the International Conference and Field Workshop, Petrozavodsk,
Russia, August 3 8, 2004. Petrozavodsk, 2004, P. 51 52.
- A. Karklins, J. Livmanis. Soil quality monitoring in Latvia past and present
situation // In: Eurosoil 2004 Abstracts / Book of abstracts of the International
Congress, Freiburg, Germany, September 4 12, 2004.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, 2004, P. 243.
- Soil Atlas of Europe. European Soil Bureau Network, European Commission, 2005.
128 p. A. Karklins: Author and contributor.
- A. Karklins. Soil information in Latvia. In: Soil Resources of Europe, 2nd
edition. R.J.A. Jones, B. Hou?kova, P. Bullock and L. Montanarella (eds). European Soil
Bureau Research Report No. 9, EUR 20559 EN, (2005), 420 pp. Office for Official
publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 201 209.
- A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. Potassium balance in selected farms of Latvia / Fertilizers
and Fertilization: Journal of the Polish Fertilizer Society CIEC, Nr 3 (24), 2005,
pp. 81 88.
- A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. Reference values for NPK balance
calculations in Latvia // Agronomijas Vestis (Latvian Journal of Agronomy) / LLMZA,
LLU LF. 2005, No. 8: Jelgava: LLU, 2005, 32. 38. lpp.
- Augsnes diagnostika un apraksts: Lauku darbu metodika /
Sast. A. Karklin. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 120 lpp.
- Augsnes diagnostika un apraksts / Sast. A. Karklins.
Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 336 lpp.
- Environmental Assessment of Soil for Monitoring Desertification in Europe / M.
Kibblewhite, J.L. Rubio, C. Kosmas, R. Jones, D. Arrouays, S. Huber, F. Verheijen,
Cranfield University Press, 2007. 62 p. A. Karklins contributor.
- Csathó, P., Sisik, I., Radimszky, A., Karklins, A., et al. Agriculture as a
source of phosphorus causing eutrophication in Central and Eastern Europe. - Soil Use
and Management, 2007, No. 23 (Suppl. 1): pp. 36 56.
- Moran X., Richer de Forges A., Arrouays D., Karklins A., et al. Une analyse des
stratégies d'échantillonnage des réseaux de surveillance de la qualité des sols en
Europe. - Etude et Gestion des Sols: Association Franeaise pour LEtude du
Sol, Vol 14, No. 4, 2007, pp. 1 9.
Research Projects:
- A. Karklins (Co-author). Agricultural Run-off Management Study in Latvia ( Swedish
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Latvia
University of Agriculture). Swedish Government. (1992 - 1993).
- A. Karklins (Coordinator of Baltic part of Project). Soil Classification and Land
Evaluation in the Baltic States (Cornell University, Agricultural Universities of Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia). USDA (1994 - 1997).
- A. Karklins (Head of Latvia part of Project). Soil Classification in Latvia ( Latvia
University of Agriculture, Agricultural Universities of Denmark, Norway and Finland). Nordic
Council of Ministers. (1995 - 1996).
- A.Karklins (Head of Latvian part of Project). Environmental Assessment of Soil for
Monitoring. (Coordinator - Cranmfield University). EC No. 022713.
- A. Karklins. (Head of Project). Three Level Agricultural Land Monitoring in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1994 - 1996).
- A. Karklins. (Head of Project). Soil Diagnosis and Classification According to the
Internationally Recognized Systems. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000).
- A.Karklins (Coordinator of the Latvian Part of Project). Global and National Soils and
Terrain Digital Database.Assessment of Soil and Terrain Vulnerability ton Pollution in
Central and Eastern Europe. International Soil Reference and Information Centre
(1998 - ).
- A.Karklins (Participant). Managing Inputs of Nutrients to Avoid Insufficient or Excess -
- A. Karklins. (Head of Project). Fertilization Optimization According to the Principles
of Good Agricultural Practice. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2003).
- A. Karklins. (Head of Project). Development of Integrated Soil Information System in
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2007).
Last update 27.12.2007