Born: September 20, 1949, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Theoretical and Statistical Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Chemical Physics of Condensed Matter
- Theory of Defects in Nonmetallic Solids
Brief description:
My recent scientific activities are concerned with the theory of defects in solids,
with ab initio and semiempirical calculations of the electronic structure of perfect
insulating crystals, surfaces and defects, with mechanisms of defect creation under
irradiation, defect diffusion, and recombination, with the kinetics of bimolecular and
tunnelling reactions. That is, I study problems related to theoretical condensed matter
physics and radiation physics of insulating solids, as well to theoretical quantum
chemistry of non-metallic crystals with special emphasis on the materials science aspects.
In particular, I have developed a phenomenological theory of diffusion-controlled
bimolecular reactions in solids and liquids incorporating electron tunnelling, studied
self- organisation effects in chemical reactions, established the essential role of
electron tunnelling and elastic interaction of radiation defects in insulating solids
during their accumulation under irradiation. I have performed ab initio calculations of
pure and CO-, SiO- and Ag-covered oxide crystalline surfaces as well as semiempirical INDO
calculations of the electronic structure of numerous point defects and relevant processes
in ionic solids. My fundamental studies of both static and dynamic properties of
insulating solids have been applied successfully in a wide range of problems in materials
Most of my diverse interests are driven by international collaboration, including Turin
University, Italy (Prof. Pisani, Hartree-Fock calculations of solids, surfaces and
interfaces), Aarhus University, Denmark (Prof. N.E.Christensen, the atomic and electronic
structure of solids and defects), Helsinki University of Technology (Prof. Nieminen,
large-scale simulations of radiation damage of solids), University of Western Ontario,
Canada (Prof. P.W.M.Jacobs, diffusion-controlled processes in solids), Max-Planck-Institut
für Metallforschung, Stuttgart (Prof. W. Frank, self-organization phenomena in solids
under irradiation), Freie Universität Berlin (Dr. M.Reichling, colloid formation in ionic
crystals), Clausthal Technical University, Germany (Prof. V.Kempter, surface properties of
insulators), Belfast University, Northern Ireland (Dr. M.Finnis, ab initio simulations of
metal/oxide interfaces), Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany
(Prof. J.Maier, Defects and Surfaces of Prospective Perovskites and Oxides).
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), 1971
- Visiting Fellow, Dept. of Quantum Chemistry, Leningrad University (Advisor: Prof. R.A.
Evarestov), 1973-1974
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph D in Western countries), Title of
Thesis: "Role of Electron Tunnelling in Radiation- Induced Defect Accumulation and in
Diffusion-Controlled Reactions of Defects" (Advisor: Prof. I. Tale), Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1975
- Dr.habil.phys. (in Solid State Physics) (Doctor of Science in former USSR). Title of
Thesis: "Theory of Defect Accumulation and Recombination in Ionic Crystals Controlled
by Electron Tunnelling", Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1988.
Academic and Professional Experience
University of Latvia:
- Engineer and Research Associate, Institute of Solid
State Physics, 1971-1974
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Semiconductor Physics, 1975-1979
- Researcher and Senior Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1980-1985
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Semiconductor Physics, 1987
- Lecturer, 1987-1991
- Senior Researcher and Head of the Theoretical Laboratory, Institute of Solid State
Physics, 1988 -
- Full Professor, 1996 -
Professional Activities, Memberships:
- Senior Visiting Fellow, Dept. of Theoretical Chemistry, Turin University, Italy
(Advisor: Prof. C.Pisani), 1986
- Invited Professor, Inorganic Chemistry Dept., University of Turin, Italy, 1989
- Visiting researcher: University of Bayreuth, Germany, 1990,1991; Ben-Gurion University,
Israel, 1990; Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) fur Metallforschung, Stuttgart, 1992
- CCP Fellow at the University of Western Ontario,Canada, 1991-1992
- NUFFIC Fellow, ECN Institute, The Netherlands, 1993
- DFG Fellowship at the MPI fur Metallforschung,Stuttgart, 1993-1994
- Visiting Professor at the Aarhus University, Denmark, 1995
- DFG Visiting Professor, Osnabrueck University (Germany), 1998
- Visiting Scientist at Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart (Germany), 1999
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the following Conferences:
- Quantum Chemistry of Solids; Riga 1985, 1990,
- European MRS, Strasbourg, 1995,
- Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-8), Catania, 1995; REI-9, Tennessee, 1997
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1992-1995
- Member, American Physical Society, 1992-1995
- Member, USA Materials Research Society, 1992 -
- Member, American Geophysical Union, 1995 -
- Member, Association of Latvian Scientists, 1991 -
- Member, Habilitation Council of Latvian University, 1987-1991
- International Science Foundation (ISF) grant, 1992
- ISF travel grants for participation on the Conference on Radiation Effects in
Insulators, (REI-7), Nagoya, Japan (1993); on Materials Resarch Society Meeting,
San Francisco, USA (1994)
- Volkswagen research grant (Germany), 1996-1998
- The Latvain Academy of Sciences Fridrich Canders Prize
(Physics), 1998
Invited lectures at the International Conferences:
- Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-7), Nagoya, 1994
- 2nd International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Kurort Gohlich,
Germany, 1996
- Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM-96), Winston-Salem, 1996
- NATO Workshop on Space and Electronic Materials, Wroclaw, 1996
- Advanced Optical Material and Devices, Riga, 1996
- General Physics; Quantum Chemistry of Solids; Theory of Defects in Solids; Theoretical
Characterization of Bulk and Surface Defects in Solids, University
of Latvia
- Static and Dynamic Properties of Defects in Solids, Aarhus University (Visiting
Professor, Ph D students), 1995
Recent/Representative Publications:
I am author and co-author of 3 books and more than 290 papers and conference abstracts,
including 7 review articles:
- Evarestov R.A., Kotomin E.A., Ermoshkin A.N. Molecular Models of Point Defects in
Wide-Gap Solids. Riga: Zinatne, 1983, 287p. (in Russian)
- Kantorovich L.N., Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.N., Tale I.A., Shluger A.L., Zakis Yu.R.
Models of Defect Processes in Wide-Gap Solids. Riga: Zinatne, 1991, 320p. (in Russian)
- Kotomin E.A. and Kuzovkov V.N. Modern Aspects of Diffusion-Controlled Processes:
Cooperative Phenomena in Bimolecular Reactions. North Holland, Elsevier Publ. (vol.34 in a
series of Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics), 1996, 620 p.
- Doktorov A.B., Kotomin E.A. Theory of tunnelling recombination of defects stimulated by
their motion. I. General formalism. Phys. Stat. Solidi (B), 1982, B114, pp.9-14
- Kotomin E.A., Doktorov A.V. Theory of tunnelling recombination of defects stimulated by
their motion. II. Three Recombination Mechanisms. Phys. Stat. Solidi (B), 1982,
B114, 2, pp.287-318
- Kalnin Yu.H., Kotomin E.A. Radiation-induced aggregation of immobile Frenkel defects in
solids. Probl. of Atom. Sci. and Techn., 1984, vol.20, pp.18-34.
- Kuzovkov V.N., Kotomin E.A. Kinetics of bimolecular reactions in condensed media. Rep.
Progr. Physics, 1988, vol. 51, 12, pp.1479-1524.
- Millers D.K., Grigorjeva L.G., Kotomin E.A., Artjushenko V.G. Butvina L.N.
Radiation-induced processes in crystals and fibers made of silver halides. Latv.St.Univ.
Preprint. 1988. P.70.
- Vinetsky V.L., Kalnin Yu.R., Kotomin E.A., Ovchinnikov A.A. Radiation-induced Frenkel
defect aggregation in solids. Sov.Phys.-Uspekhi, 1990, vol.33, 10, pp.793-811.
- Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.A. Phenomenological theory of the recombination and
accumulation kinetics of radiation defects in ionic solids. Rept.Progr.Phys., 1992,
vol.55, pp.2079-2202.
- E.A.Kotomin, A.I.Popov. Radiation-induced point defects in simple oxides. - Nuclear
Instr. and Methods Phys. Research B, 1998, vol.141, pp.1-15.
- S.Dorfman, D.Fuks, E.A.Kotomin. Comparative study of (001) surface relaxation for some
titanates. - Thin Solid Films, 1998, vol.318, pp.65-68.
- E.A.Kotomin, R.I.Eglitis, A.V.Postnikov, G.Borstel, N.E.Christiansen. First-principles
and semi-empirical calculations for bound hole polarons in KNbO3 . - Phys.Rev.B,
1999, vol.60, pp.1-5
- E.Heifets, E.A.Kotomin, J.Maier. Semi-empirical simulations of surface relaxation for
perovskite titanates. - Surf. Sci., 2000, vol.462, pp.19-36.
- Yu.F.Zhukovskii, E.A.Kotomin, P.W.W.Jacobs, A.M.Stoneham. Ab initio modelling of
melal adhesion on oxide surfaces with defects. - Phys.Rev. Letters, 2000, vol.84,
- V.N. Kuzovkov, A.I. Popov, E.A. Kotomin, M.A. Monge, R. Gonzilez, Y. Chen. The kinetics
of F-center aggregation in thermochemically reduced MgO single crystals. - Phys. Rev. B,
2001, vol.64, pp. 1-5
- J.T. Devreese, V.M. Fomin, E.P. Pokatilov, E.A. Kotomin, R.I. Eglitis, Yu.F. Zhukovskii.
Theory of bound polarons in oxide compounds. - Phys. Rev. B, 2001, vol. 63, pp. 1-6
- D. Fuks, S. Dorfman, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, E.A. Kotomin, A.M. Stoneham. Theory of the growth
mode for a thin metallic film on an insulating substrate. - Surf. Sci., 2002,
vol.499, pp. 24-40
- V.S. Vikhnin, R.I. Eglitis, S.E. Kapphan, G. Borstel, E.A. Kotomin. Polaronic-type
excitons in ferroelectric oxides: Microscopic calculations and experimental manifestation.
- Phys. Rev. B, 2002, vol. 65, pp.1-11
- E.A.Kotomin, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, Yu.A.Mastrikov, J.Mayer. First-principles modelling of
oxide surfaces and their reactivity. - Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci.,
2006, N 2 (II), pp. 127-140.
- Yu. F. Zhukovskii, R. A. Evarestov, E. A. Kotomin, Yu. A. Mastrikov, S.N.Piskunov, Yu.
N. Shunin. The simplest defect in SRTiO3 perovskite crystals: atomic and
electronic structure of a single f centre. Computer Modelling and New
Technologies, 2006, Vol.10, No.3, pp.14-28
- E. A. Kotomin, Yu. A. Mastrikov, D. V. Gryaznov, Yu. N. Shunin. First principles
calculations of the atomic and electronic structure of LaMnO3 (001) surface.
Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2006, Vol.10, No.3, pp.29-40
Research Projects:
- E.Kotomin (Head of Project). Theory of Processes in the Bulk ans on the Surface of
Wide-Gap Solids. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- Defects in Oxide Crystals. International Science Foundation Research Grant,
- Polarons and Bi-polarons in Prospective Materials. European Community Human Capital
and Mobility (HCM) Network Grant, 1994-1996
- E.Kotomin (Head of Project). Microscopic Calculations of Dynamical and Optical
Properties of Defects in Prospective Technological Materials. Latvian Council of
Science (1997-2000)
- A.Krumins (Head of Project). State Important Research Program. New Materials for
Microelectronics and Photonics. Latvian Council of Science, 1997- 2000).
- E.Kotomin (Head of Project). Physics of Metal/Oxide Interfaces. Joint project with
University College London, UK, 1998-1999.
- E.Kotomin (Head of Project). Large Scale Computer Modelling of Materials. Joint
project with Royal Academy of Sciences, Sweden, 1999-2000.
- E.Kotomin (Head of Project). Modelling of Defects and Surface-Induced Processes in
Advanced Oxides. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -).
Last update 03.09.2007