Born: August 12, 1968, Riga, Latvia
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English, Italian
- X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS, XANES)
- Physics of Disordered Materials (Thin Films, Solid Solutions, Glasses, Aqueous
- Electrochromic Materials based on Transition Metal Oxides (WO3-x, MoO3,
ReO3, IrO2, NiOx, V2O5, etc.)
Brief Description of Main Research: My recent scientific activities are
concerned mainly with x-ray absorption spectroscopy of materials containing
transition-metal ions (crystals, solutions, crystalline and amorphous thin films, glasses
and gels). The main research topics are related to phase transitions, local structural
distortions, vibrational dynamics and localisation processes. Besides I study the
sensitivity of the x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) to high-order atom-atom
correlation functions, and in this connection I am directly involved in the theoretical
analysis of experimental data with the use of ab initio multiple-scattering
approach. I am the author of the original EXAFS data analysis software package EDA, the original approximated method
for performing the MS calculations of XAFS and experimental data collection
interface for laboratory EXAFS-spectrometer
at the institute. At present moment, the EDA package is used in about 20 laboratories all
around the world from Japan to USA and is included in the European Synchrotron Radiation
Facility (ESRF) software distribution
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), cum laude, 1990
- Dr.phys. (Ph.D.), Thesis: Study of 4d and 5d Transition Metals Oxide Compounds by
X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy IXAS, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1992
- Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems
"HERCULES-1993" in the field of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Condensed
Matter Studies (Option: Physics and Chemistry of Solids), ESRF, Grenoble, France, 1993
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
- Engineer, 1986-1989
- Junior Researcher (1990 - 1993), Researcher (1993 - ), Department of
Semiconductor Materials
Research abroad ( Visiting scientist):
- Fachbereich Physik, Universität Rostock (Germany), 1992
- Laboratori Nazionale di Frascati, Instituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (Italy), 1992
- Departimento di Fisica, Universita di Trento ( Italy), 1991-1993
- Centro CNR-ITC di Fisica degli Stati Aggregati ed Impianto Ionico (Trento, Italy) -
1993 (April-May), 1994 (March-August), 1995 (October-December), 1996
(October-December), 1997 (July-September)
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2005
- Academia Europaea Baltic Prize for the work "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of
Transition Metals Oxide Compounds and Related Materials", 1996.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1995-1997
- Member, Latvian Synchrotron Radiation Society, 1997
- Member, European Synchrotron Radiation Society, 1992
- Member, International XAFS (X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) Society, 1994
- Member, American National Geographic Society, 1996
Recent/Representative Publications
I am author and co-author of more than 90 papers and conference abstracts.
- A.Kuzmin, J. Purans, M. Benfatto and C. R. Natoli. X-ray absorption study of rhenium L3
and L1 edges in ReO3: Multiple-scattering approach. - Phys. Rev.
B, 1993, vol.47, pp.2480-2486.
- Kuzmin and Ph. Parent. Focusing and superfocusing effects in x-ray absorption fine
structure at the iron K edge in FeF3. - J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 1994,
vol.6, pp.4395-4404.
- A.Kuzmin. Anisotropy of the photoelectron mean free path and its influence on EXAFS
amplitude. - J. Phys.: Condensed Matter,1994, vol.6, pp.5761-5770
- A.Kuzmin and R. Grisenti. Evaluation of multiple-scattering contribution in EXAFS for
MeO4 and MeO6 clusters. - Phil. Mag. B, 1994, vol.70,
- A.Kuzmin, N. Mironova, J. Purans and A. Rodionov. X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of
Nic Mg1-cO solid solutions on Ni K edge. - J. Phys.: Condensed
Matter, 1995, vol.7, pp.9357-9368.
- Rocca, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans and G. Mariotto. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of a Nd3+
-exchanged beta-alumina crystal. - Phys. Rev.B, 1996, vol.53, pp.11447-11450.
- A.Kuzmin, J. Purans, G. Dalba, P. Fornasini and F. Rocca. High-temperature x-ray
absorption spectroscopy study of ReO3. - J. Phys.: Condensed Matter,
1996, vol.8, pp.9083-9102.
- A.Kuzmin and J. Purans. X-ray absorption study of the local environment around tungsten
and molybdenum ions in tungsten-phosphate and molybdenum-phosphate glasse. - Proc.
SPIE, 1997, vol.2968, pp.180-185.
- A.Kuzmin, N. Mironova and J. Purans. Influence of pd-mixing and magnetic
interactions on the pre-edge peak intensity at the Co (Ni) K absorption edge in Co(Ni)cMg1-cO
solid solutions. - J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 1997, vol.9, pp.5277-5286.
- A.Kuzmin. Reconstruction of the radial distribution function from EXAFS: new trends and
comparative analysis of different methods. - J. Physique IV (France), 1997, vol.7,
- A.Kuzmin, S. Obst and J. Purans. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and molecular dynamics
studies of Zn2+ hydration in aqueous solutions. - J. Phys.: Condensed
Matter, 1997, vol.9, pp.10069-10078.
- J.Purans, A.Kuzmin, Ph.Parent, C.Laffon. Study of the electronic structure of rhenium
and tungsten oxides on the O K-edge. - Ionic, 1998, 4, pp.101-105
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, E.Cazzanelli, C.Vinegoni, G.Mariotto. XRD, EXAFS and Raman
spectroscopy studies of pure ground WO3 and mixed W1-x Rex
O3-y polycrystals. J.Applied Physics, 1998, vol.84, pp.5515-5524
- E.Gazzanelli, C.Vinegoni, G.Mariotto, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Low temperature polymorphism
in tungsten trioxide powders and its dependence on mechanical treatments. - J. Solid
State Chem., 1999, vol.123, pp.67-74
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Dehydration of molybdenum trioxide-hydrates MoO3 .nH2O:
in-situ x-ray-absorption spectroscopy at the Mo K-edge. J.Phys.: Condensed Matter,
2000, 12, pp.1959-1970.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of
perovskite-type compounds. - In: Defects and Surface - Induced Effects in Advanced
Perovskites (eds. G.Borstel, A.Krumins, D.Millers), NATO ASHT, ser.3, vol.77, 2000,
Kluwer-Dordrecht, pp.139-144
- J.Purans, A.Azens, C.G.Granqvist. X-ray absorption study of Ce-Ti oxide films. - Electrochim.
Acta, 2001, vol.46, pp.2055-2058
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, R.Kalendarev, D.Pailharey, Y.Mathey. XAS, XRD, AFM and Raman studies
of NiO-WO3 electrochromic thin films. - Electrochim. Acta, 2001, vol.46,
- V.L.Aksenov, A.Y.Kuzmin, J.Purans, S.I.Tiutiunnikov. EXAFS spectroscopy at
synchrotron-radiation beams [Review] - Phys. Part. Nucl., 2001, vol.32, pp. 675 -
[in English] Download
[in Russian]
- N.Mironova-Ulmane, V.Skvortsova, A.Kuzmin, I.Sildos. Exciton-magnon interactions in
single-crystal NicMg1-cO solid solutions. Fiz. Tver. Tela,
2002, vol. 44, pp.1403-1406 [In Russian]; Phys. Solid State , 2002, vol.44,
[in Russian] Download
[in English]
- A.Kuzmin, N. Mironova-Ulmane, S. Ronchin. Origin of visible photoluminescence in NiO and
NicMg1-cO single-crystals. Proc. SPIE, 2003 vol.5122,
pp. 62-68.
- A.Kuzmin. Cluster approach to high performance computing. - Computer Modelling &
New Technol., 2003, vol. 7, pp. 7-15.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, G.Moreau. Full multiple scattering analysis of x-ray absorption near
edge structure at the Eu L3-edge in EuO. -
J.Alloys Compd., 2004, vol. 374, pp. 89-92.
- J.Gaidelene, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Oxygen K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure and
crystalline and amorphous moplybdenum trioxides. - J.Phys: Condens. Matter, 2004,
vol. 16, pp. 6619-6625.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, R.Kalendarev. Ab initio calculations of the Ni K-edge XANES in NicMg1-cO
solid solutions. - Phys. Stat. Sol. (C), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 665-668.
- N.Mironova-Ulmane, V.Skvortsova, A.Kuzmin, I.Sildos. Influence of radiation effects on
excition-magnon in nickel oxide. - Proc. SPIE, 2005, vol. 5946,
pp. 93-97.
- V. Skvortsova, N. Mironova-Ulmane, A. Kuzmin, U. Ulmanis. Growth and optical properties
of transition metal oxides single crystal solid solutions. - Alloys Compd., 442
(2007), pp.328-330.
- D. Chen, J. Zhong, W. Chu, Z. Wu, A. Kuzmin, N. Mironova-Ulmane, A. Marcelli. Structural
disorder and electronic hybridization in NicMg1-cO solid solutions
probed by XANES at the oxygen K-edge. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter , 19 (2007),
356219 (11p).
Research Projects
- (Research Group Member). X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the disordered metal oxide
compounds and amorphous solids. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1996).
- (Research Group Member). X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of intercalated compounds. International
Science Foundation Research Grant (1994-1996).
- (Research Group Member). X-ray absorption spectroscopy of mixed transition metal oxides
and chalcogenide compounds. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- (Head of Project). Nanocrystal Structure Reconstruction from X-Ray Absorption Spectra
Using ab initio Theoretical Methods. Latvian Council of Science
(2001-2004 ).
- (Head of Project). Advanced Spectroscopic Approach to the Study of Nanomaterials
Structure. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- Grant of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei at Trento University (Trento, Italy),
- NATO Guest Fellowship at Centro CNR-ITC di Fisica degli Stati Aggregati ed
Impianto Ionico (Trento, Italy), 1995.
Last update: 11-02-2008 16:42:11