Born: November 13, 1950, Aluksne district, Latvia
- Phonetics. Phonology
- Dialectology
- Childs Language
- Second Language Teaching
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, Lithuanian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology), 1969-1974
- University of Latvia, Post Graduate Course, 1974-1979
- University of Vilnius, Lithuania, Post Doctoral Course, 1990-1993
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Vilnius University, Lithuania, 1983
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1994
- Lecturer, University of Latvia (1985 - 1987)
- Head of the Department of Languages and Literature, University of Latvia (1987-1990, 1993
- Post-Doctoral Student; University of Vilnius, Lithuania (1990 - 1992)
- Vice-Rector for Research and Science, Riga Teacher Training and Education Management
Academy, 1994 - 2003
- Rector , Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy, 2004 -
- Professor of Linguistics, University of Latvia, 1994 -
Honors and Awards
- Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Award and Prize from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia ,
- J. William Fulbright Scholarship, 1998
- Award from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia , 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of the International Phonetic Association (IPhA)
- Expert of the Higher Education in Latvia
- Member of the Association of Latvian Scientists
- Board Member of the Professors Association of Latvian Universities
- Member of the Commission of Latvian Language Experts of the Republic of Latvia
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Linguistics, History of
Literature, Folklore Studies, Art Studies
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
- Chair Person, Promotion Board for Linguistics, University of Latvia
- Member of the Professors' Board for Linguistics, University of Latvia
- Chair Person, Academic Commission of Teachers' Education and Humanities, University of
- Organizing International Conferences and Congresses:
- 4th
International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, 2003
- International Conference "Theory
and Practice in Teacher Training", 2002
- World Congress of Latvian
Scientists, 1991, 2001
- International Congress "Baltistica",
1995, 2000
- International Conference "Integrating
Student Personalities into Family, School and
Society: the Teachers Role", 1996
- 1st Conference on Baltic
Studies in Europe, 1995
- Contemporary Latvian II: Phonetics
- Practical Latvian Phonetics for Minorities
- Childs Language
- The Theory of Syllable in Baltic Languages
- Introduction in Phonology
Recent/ Representative Publications
- Markus D. Syllable Tonemes in Latvian. - In: Actes du XII-eme Congress International des
Sciences Phonetiques 19 - 28 aout 1991. - France: Aix- En Provence, 1991, vol. 2, 10 pp.
- Markus D. Syllable Intonations in the Studies of Latvian: The System of Syllable
Intonations in the High Latvian Dialect, 1993, Riga: University of Latvia Press,
144 pp. (in Latvian) .
- Markus D. The Falling Syllable Intonation in Different Systems of Latvian Prosody. - In:
Baltistica, Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopediju bidykla, 1994, 6 pp. (in Latvian).
- Markus D., Karulis J. Effect of Latvian Syllable Stress on Second Language Acquisition.
- In: Proc. Int. Conf. "Integrating Student personalities into Family,
School and Society: the Teacher's Role", Riga, May 24-25, 1996; Riga: Varti,
1996, 2 pp.
Markus D. The Phenomenon of Latvian Syllable Intonation in Unstressed Position. -
In: Latviesu valodas un literaturas aktualitates: The Scientific Works, Riga: LU, 1996, 10
Markus D. The Childs Creative Linguistic Action. - In: Sapere aude:
The Scientific Works of RTTEMA. Riga: Varti, 1997, 6 pp. (in Latvian).
Markus D. Latvian up-landers dialects syllable prosody. Riga: Varti, 1997,
150p. (in Latvian)
Markus D. Exercises in Latvian Phonetics for Minorities: Analysis, Foundations
and Recommendations. - In: The Problems of Professional Teachers Training:
The Scientific Works: Rezekne, 1998, IV v., 10 pp. (in Latvian).
Markus D. The Syllable in Baltic Languages: Theory and Practice. - In: Vestis,
1998, N 5/6, 8 pp.
Markus D. The Prosody of Syllable in the High Latvian Variants, 1998,
Riga: Varti, 150pp. (in Latvian with English Introduction
Markus D., Grigorjevs J. Research methods of phonetics. Riga: Rasa ABC,
2002, 79p. (in Latvian)
Markus D., Grigorjevs J. Research and visualization methods of phonetics. Riga:
Rasa ABC, 2003, 77p. (in Latvian)
Bond Dz., Markus D., Stockmal V. Evaluating native and non-native Latvian.
Journal of Baltic Studies, 2003, vol.34, Nr.2, pp.223-229
Markus D., Stockmal V., Bond Dz. Measures of native and non-native rhythm in a
quantity language. Language and Speech, 2005, vol.48, Pt.1, pp.55-63.
Markus D., Stockmal V., Bond Dz. Sixty years of bilingualism affects the
pronunciation of Latvian vowels. - Language Variation and Change, 2006, vol. 18,
N 2 (USA: CAmbridge University Press), pp. 165-177.
Markus D. Berns runa kulturas pasaule (The Child Speaks in the Environment of
the Culture World), 2007, Riga: Rasa ABC, 160 p. (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- D.Markus (Head of Project). Phonetics: Content and Recomendations. Latvian
Council of Science (1996 - 2000).
- D.Markus (Head of Project). Development of Latvian Phonology. Latvian
Council of Science, (2001-2003)
- D.Markus (Head of Project). Phonetically Phonological Research: Data Base,
Phonological Analysis and Classification, International Transcription. Latvian Council
of Science, (2005-)
- D.Markus (Participant). UNDP Project - Latvian Language Training Mission,
1995, 1997 -1998, financed by United Nations, Donor Nations, Latvian
- D.Markus (Participant).Updating of In-service Teacher Training in Universities
of Latvia. TEMPUS - PHARE JEP Project No S-JEP-7188-94 (1995-1996).
- D.Markus (Participant). Recruitment of Professors Implementing the New Law.
TEMPUS - PHARE CME Project No CME - 2115-96 (1996 - 1997)
- D.Markus D. Methods of Latvian Language Pronunciation for Minorities. Ministry
of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (1996 - 1997)
- D.Markus (co-author). The Dictionary of Pedagogical Terminology. Soros
Foundation Latvia (1998).
Family: I am the only women in a five men family.
Hobbies: Singing, Sports
Last update 10.03.2008