Professor Andris RUBINS
Head of the Chair of Dermatovenerology,
Riga Stradins University 16 Dzirciema street, Riga,
Tel.: +371 7370395; 9481725
Fax.: +371 7370395
Director of Latvian
Dermatology Institute,Ltd
14 Perses street , Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
Tel.: 7284575, 7287740
President of Latvian Association of
President of Baltic Association of
Dermatovenerologists |
Date and place of birth
November 19,1947, Sigulda, Latvia
- Immunopathogenesis and immune therapy of skin diseases
- Approbation and introduction of new drugs in dermatology
- STDs epidemiology, prevention and therapy.
Latvian - native lg., English, Russian - fluent
Education, professional
- 1968 1974 Riga Medical Institute.
- 1974- 1975 Internship in skin and venerological diseases in
Riga, Republican dispensary of skin and venerological diseases.
- 1976- 1981 doctor-dermatovenerologists at Riga dispensary
of skin and venerological diseases.
- 1981 Defence of thesis for a scientific degree in
medicine in Moscow.
- 1981- 1985 Head of research laboratory at Riga Medical
- 1982- 1984 Assistant at the Chair of Dermatovenerology at
Riga Medical Institute.
- 1984 1988 Assistant professor at RMI Chair of
- 1987 Defence of theses for a degree of Doctor of
Medical Sciences in Moscow Immunopathogenesis and Immune Therapy of Psoriasis.
- Since 1988 - Doctor of Medical Sciences.
- Since 1988 Professor of Latvian Medical Academy.
- From 1991 present Head of the Chair of
- From 2001
Current job, occupation
- Professor, dermatovenerologist, Riga Stradins University,
Head of the Chair of dermatovenerology from 1991 present.
- President of Latvian Association of
Dermatovenerologists,since 1991- present
- President of Baltic Association of Dermatovenerologists,
since1991 - present
- Member of Association Board of Central East Europe
Dermatovenerologists, since 1997 - present
- Member of the scientific editorial board of the journal
Giorn.Internationale Dermatologica Ped. (Italy) and the journal Sexually
Transmitted Diseases and Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology,
- Member of European Academy of Dermatovenerologists from
1991 present.
- Member of New York Research Academy since 1993.
- Member of American Academy of Dermatovenerologists from
1998 present.
- Member of the Board International Union Against Sexually
Transmitted Infections- Europe, from 1997 - present
- Member of the Board (Internal Medicine) of Riga Stradins
University from 1997 present.
- Director of Latvian Dermatology Institute,Ltd from 2001
Professional certificate - Dermatovenerology
Research Activities
Author of more than 180 research publications. 5
inventions and patents, 4 monographs.
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member of Finnish Society of Dermatologists
from 18.02.2000.
- Honorary Member of Rumania Society of Dermatologists from
- Bronze award of the Netherlands Society of
Dermatovenerologists for the presentation at 8 EADV congress in Amsterdam in 1999.
- Dermatovenerology
for students and residents of Riga Stradins University, Latvia
Lectures delivered
Guest lecturer to deliver the lectures on:
Psoriasis, immunopathogenesis and immune
Immunopathogenesis and the latest developments in the
therapy of skin diseases.
Epidemiology, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and
therapy of sexually transmitted diseases.
Dermatovenerology in Latvia: advances and perspectives.
At the USA universities:
Univ.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, NIH Bethesda, MD; Med.Univ. of South Carolina, Charleston,
Univ. of Texas, Galveston; Medic.Coll. of Wisconsin, Northwestern Univ, Chicago; New
Jersey Med. School, NJ: New York Univ. at Stony Brook; Bowmann Gray School of. Med.
Winston-Salem; Japan: Tokyo Univ. Kinki Univ., Osaka, Kyoto Univ.; Germany
- Univ. of. Dusseldorf; Univ. of Munich; Univ.of Marburg, Univ. of Keel, Univ. of Koln,
University of Erfurt
Reports delivered
20th World Congress of Dermatology,
Paris 1st-5th July 2002
- October 2-6, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 EADV congress
- November, 2002, Bucarest, Rumania Dermatovenerologists
- December, 2002 ,5th Congress
(ESSIR), Hamburg
- 4 Baltic Dermatovenerologists congress, 22-23 May,2003
Tallin, Estonia
- LDVA 15 congress, Riga, September12-13. 2003
- Russian 1 Dermatovenerologists congress SanktPetersburgh,
Russia, September 23-26,2003
- October15-18,2003, 12th EADV congress Barselona
- German STD congress, Marburg , Germany, May 7-8, 2004
- LDVA 16 congress, Riga, September 10-11,2004
Starting with 1991, participation at all
congresses of European Academy of Dermatovenerology (EADV), as well as World congresses in
1992,1997, 2002 and congresses organized in other countries (2000 - in Holland, 2001
in Germany, 2001 in Greece, 2002- in Romania, 2003 in Russia).
Chairperson of 14th, 15th, 16th congresses of Latvian
Association of Dermatovenerologists.
Organizing committee of BADV 1-4 congresses , chairman of
3rd congress.
Research projects
. FG
506-08-07 A multicentre, randomised, open label, observer blinded, parallel group
study to assess efficacy and safety of Tacrolimus gel 0.3%, vs Calcipotriol ointment
0.005% vs Tacrolimus cream 0.5% in the treatment of mild to moderate plaque
psoriasis of company Fujisawa GmbH, Germany (2001- 2004).
2. FG-506-06-21 A long-term open
label, non-comparative study to evalute the safety of 0,1% Tacrolimus (FK506) ointment for
treatment of atopic dermatitis (1998-2004) of company Fujisawa GmbH, Germany
3. FG 506-06-33 A long-term,
non-comparative study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Tacrolimus ointment in
paediatric patients (2004-2006) of company Fujisawa GmbH, Germany.
4.FG-506-06-32 A randomised,
multi-centre, double-blind, pharmacokinetic study of Tacrolimus ointment 0.03% in
paediatric patients (aged 3 months to 24 months) with atopic dermatitis following first
and repeated once daily or twice daily application of the Tacrolimus ointment
(2004-2006) of company Fujisawa GmbH, Germany.
Supervision of Doctoral Students
theses for the degree of have been defended under my guidance, two theses are to
be defended, two are supervised.
Representative Publications
- Illustrated Manual in Dermatovenerology , Rubins A.,
Gutmane R., Siegel D., Riga, 1996., 268 pp. In Latvian
- A book Sexually Transmitted Diseases (A.Rubins,
R.Gutmane, S.Rubins et al.) under profesor A.Rubins editing, Riga, 2001, 194 pp.
- Illustrated Handbook in Dermatovenerology, Rubins A.,
Gutmane R., Siegel D., Riga, 1997, 292 pp. (in Russian)
- A book Skin Diseases and their Therapy,
(A.Rubins, R.Gutmane, S.Reitamo et al.)under profesor A. Rubins editing, LDF, Riga
Research articles
Th. Ruzicka, Th. Bieber, Er. Schopf, A. Rubins
et al, A short-term trial of Tacrolimus ointment for atopic dermatitis. The New England
Journ. of Med. Vol.337, N 12, 1997, pp. 816-821.
M. Zonneveld, A. Rubins, Jablonska S. at al., Tacrolimus
(FK506) is not effective in chronic plaque psoriasis. A pilot study. Journal
Archives of Dermatology, 1998; 134 (9): 1101-1102.
M. Zonneveld, A. Rubins, Jablonska S., Dobozy A., Ruzicka
T., Kind P. et al. Erratum: topical tacrolimus is not effective in chronic plague
psoriasis, Archives of Dermatology 1998; 134 (11): 1386-1386.
A.Rubins, R. Gutmane, S. Rubins et al, Epidemiology of
syphilis in Latvia., J., Acta Dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 8, 1999 nr.2, p. 59-62.
A.Rubins, A. Viksna, History Dermatovenerology in Latvia,
CEEDVA Bulletin 1, 1999, p. 28- 34.
Rubins A.,Merson A., Subpopulations T-lymphocytes in
psoriatic patients and their changes during immunotherapy. J.Amer.Acad.Derm.,1987,17:972-
Reitamo S.,Wollenberg A.,Schop, Cambazarol F., Marks
R.,Ruzicka Th., Christopher E., Kapp A., Dubertret L., Rubins A., Jablonska St., Rustin
M., Safety and Efficacy of 1 Year of Tacrolimus Ointment Monotherapy in Adults with Atopic
Dermatitis, Amer.Medical Association, Arch.Dermatol. vol,136,2000., p.999-1006.
A.Rubins, S.Rubins, I.Jakobsone, L.Cigorevska, Syphilis
Theory and Practice in Latvia, Forum for Nordic dermatovenerology, No.4, vol.7,
November 2002, p.12-19.
A.Rubins, J.Vetra, L.Ivanova,
V.Shidlovska,Options available for the conservative therapy of feebly granulated foot and
skin ulcers,Vest.Dermatol Venerol, 2003; 3: 43-45.
J.Harper, C.Smith, A.Rubins, et al. A multicentre
study of the pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus ointment after first and repeated application
to children with atopic dermatitis. - Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2005,
124, pp. 695-699.
A.Rubins, R.Gutmane, N.Valdmane, P.Stevenson, N.Undre.
Pharmacokinetics of 0,1% Tacrolimus ointment after first and repeated aplications to
adults with moderate to severe Atopic Dermatitis. - Journal of Investigative
Dermatology, 2005, 125, pp. 68-71.
J.Ortonne, P. Van de Kerkhof, A.Rubins et al., 0,3%
Tacrolimus gel and 0,5% Tacrolimus cream show effifacy in the treatment of adults with
mild to moderate plaque psoriasis: results of a randomised, open-label, observer blinder
study. - Acta Dermato-Venerologica, 2006, 86, pp. 29-33.
Patents of the Republic of
Patent Nr.12448, A method of diagnostics of lower
extremity skin trophic ulcers , Latvijas Republika, 20.07.2000.g. A. Rubins, L.Ivanova,
R.Batova et al.
Patent Nr. 11528.20.08.1997, Anti-inflammatory,
anti-analgesic drug for parenteral use and the method of its preparation. Inventors
R.Batova, E.Petersone, A.Lazdins, V.Krilovs, A.Rubins.
Patent Nr.11594.2008.1997, Medical drug for psoriasis
treatment. Inventors R.Batova, E.Petersone, A.Lazdins, V.Krilovs, I.Hartmane, A.Rubins.
International Congresses and
1998-2004: participation 24, chairing 7
Last update 16.02.2007