Linards SKUJA
Dr. habil. phys. Linards SKUJA
Leading Researcher
Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of LatviaKengaraga iela 8
Riga, LV 1063
Phone: +371 6726 0756
Fax: +371 6713 2778
E-mail: skuja@latnet.lv |
Born: 1952, Riga, Latvia
- Point defects in crystalline and amorphous solids
- Nature of non-crystalline solids
- Applications of glassy materials, particularly silicon dioxide-based glasses in
- Optical and magnetic spectroscopy
- Applications of computers in physical experiment
Brief description of the main research:
The general research interests concern glassy/amorphous materials for optics and
electronics. The main focus is on oxide materials based on SiO2 and GeO2.
The motivation for studying these materials is provided by the outstanding physical
properties of glassy SiO2 and the key role it plays in a number of modern
applications: low-loss optical fibers for communications, ultraviolet and high-power laser
optics, insulating oxide layers in silicon-based microelectronics, radiation resistant
optical glasses etc. Our work mainly concerns point defects in these materials, their
structure, generation mechanisms and optical properties, their impact on practical
applications and devices.
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1974
- Postgraduate, University of Latvia, 1977-1980
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), Institute of
Physics, Latvia, 1980
- Dr.habil.phys., Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1994
- Engineer, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics, University of Latvia,
- Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia,
Work Abroad:
- Visiting scientist in Torino University, Italy (1989)
- Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow, University of Muenster,
Germany, 1991-1992, 1995.
- Visiting scientist, Nagoya University, Japan 1994
- Research scientist, German Federal Institute of Natural and Engineering Sciences
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB),
Braunschweig, Germany 1995-1998.
- Visiting professor Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Yokohama, Japan 1999
- Visiting scientist, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2000-2003 (3 months/year)
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2003
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Edgar Silins Prize in
Physics, 2003.
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Physical Society.
Recent/Representative Publications:
- L.N. Skuja, A.R.Silin, A.G.Boganov. On the nature of the 1.9 eV luminescence centers in
amorphous SiO2 . J. Non-Crystalline Solids, v.63, No3,
pp.431-436, (1984).
- L. N. Skuja, A. N. Streletsky, A.B. Pakovich. A new intrinsic defect in amorphous SiO2
: Twofold coordinated silicon. - Solid State Comm., v.50, No12, pp.1069-1072
- L. N. Skuja, A.N. Trukhin, A.E. Plaudis. Luminescence in germanium- doped glassy SiO2.
- Physica Status Solidi (a), v.84, No2, p.K153-K157 (1984).
- L. N. Skuja. Photoluminescence of intrinsic defects in glassy GeO2 : Twofold
coordinated Ge and non-bridging oxygen.- Physica Status Solidi (a),
v.114, pp.731-737 (1989).
- L. Skuja. Isoelectronic series of twofold coordinated Si, Ge, and Sn atoms in glassy SiO2:
a luminescence study. - J.Non-Crystalline Solids, v.149, pp.77-95 (1992).
- L. Skuja. Direct singlet-to-triplet optical absorption and luminescence excitation band
of the twofold-coordinated silicon center in oxygen-deficient glassy SiO2.- J.
Non-Crystalline Solids, v.167, pp.229-238 (1994).
- L. Skuja .The origin of the intrinsic 1.9 eV luminescence band in glassy SiO2
. - J. Non-Crystalline Solids, v.179, pp.51-69 (1994).
- L. Skuja, T. Suzuki, K. Tanimura. Site-selective laser spectroscopy studies of the
intrinsic 1.9 eV luminescence center in glassy SiO2. - Phys.Rev. B.,
v.52, pp.15208-15216 (1995).
- L. Skuja, K.Tanimura, N. Itoh. Correlation between the radiation-induced intrinsic 4.8
eV optical absorption and 1.9 eV photoluminescence bands in glassy SiO2 . -
J. Applied Physics, v.80, No 6, pp.3518-25 (1996).
- L. Skuja, B. Güttler. Detection of interstitial oxygen molecules in SiO2
glass by a direct photoexcitation of the infrared luminescence of singlet O2. -
Phys.Rev.Letters, v.77, pp.2093-2096 (1996).
- L. Skuja, A. Naber. Laser-induced luminescence in glassy SiO2 and
neutron-irradiated alpha quartz: three types of non-bridging oxygen hole centers. - Materials
Science Forum, vol. 239-241, pp.25-28 (1997).
- L. Skuja, B. Güttler, D. Schiel, A. R. Silin. Quantitative analysis of the
concentration of interstitial O2 molecules in SiO2 glass using
luminescence and Raman spectrometry. - J. Applied Physics, v.83, No 11,
pp.6106-10 (1998).
- L. Skuja. The nature of optically active oxygen-deficiency-related centers in amorphous
silicon dioxide.- J. Non-Crystalline Solids, v.239, No 1-3, pp. 16-48
- L. Skuja, B. Güttler, D. Schiel, A. R.Silin. Infrared photoluminescence of pre-existing
or radiation-induced interstitial oxygen molecules in glassy SiO2 and a
-quartz. - Phys.Rev. B, vol.58, No21, pp.14296-14304 (1998).
- M. Mizuguchi, L. Skuja, and H. Hosono. Photochemical processes induced by 157-nm light
in H2-impregnated glassy SiO2:OH. - Optics Letters, vol.
24, No 13, pp. 863-865 (1999).
- M. Mizuguchi, L. Skuja, H. Hosono, T. Ogawa. F-doped and H2
-impregnated synthetic SiO2 glasses for 157 nm optics. - J.Vac .Sci.
Technol. B, v.17, No 6, pp. 3280-3284 (1999).
- L. Skuja, M. Hirano, H. Hosono. Oxygen-Related Intrinsic Defects in Glassy SiO2:
Interstitial Ozone Molecules. - Phys. Rev.Lett., v.84, No2, pp.302-305 (2000).
- L. Skuja, H. Hosono, M. Mizuguchi, B. Güttler, A. R. Silin. Site-selective study of the
1.8 eV luminescence band in glassy GeO2. - J. Luminescence, v. 87-89,
pp.699-701 (2000).
- L. Skuja. Optical properties of defects in silica.- In: Defects in SiO2
and Related Dielectrics: Science and Technology, ed. by G. Pacchioni, L. Skuja and D.
L. Griscom, NATO Science Series II, Vol.2, p.73-116, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht-Boston-London (2000).
- L. Skuja, H. Hosono, M. Hirano. Laser-induced color centers in silica Proc. - SPIE,
vol. 4347, pp.155-168, (2001).
- L. Skuja, K. Kajihara, T. Kinoshita, M. Hirano. The behavior of interstitial oxygen
atoms induced by F2 laser irradiation of oxygen-rich glassy SiO2. - Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, vol. B191, pp.127 130
- K. Kajihara, L. Skuja, M. Hirano, H. Hosono. Diffusion and reactions of hydrogen in F2
-laser-irradiated SiO2 glass. - Phys.Rev. Lett., v.89, No13, pp.
135507-1 - 135507-4 (2002).
- L. Skuja, H. Hosono, M. Hirano, K. Kajihara. Advances in silica-based glasses for UV and
vacuum-UV laser optics. - Proc. SPIE, vol. 5122, p.2-15 (2003).
- T.Suzuki, L.Skuja, K.Kajihara, M.Hirano, T.Kamiya, H.Honso. Electronic structure of
oxygen dangling in glassy SiO2 : The role of hyperconjugation. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 2003, vol.90, No 18, pp.186404-1 186404-4.
- K. Kajihara, L.Skuja, M.Hirano, H.Hosono Role of Mobile Interstitial atoms in defect
processes in oxides: Interconversion between oxygen-associated defects in SiO2
glass. - Phys. Rev. Letters, 2004, vol. 92, No1, pp.015504-(1-4).
- K.Kajihara, Y.Ikuta, M.Oto, M.Hirano, L.Skuja, H. Hosono. UV-VUV laser induced phenomena
in SiO2 glass. - Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res, 2004, vol.B218, pp. 323
Research Projects:
- L.Skuja (Head of Project) Study of Point Defects and their Generation in SiO2
and GeO2 Based Glasses and Crystals. Latvian Council of Science, (1993 -
1996 )
- L.Skuja (Head of Project) Spectroscopic Studies of Point Defects in Oxide Materials with
Different Degree of Structural Disorder. Latvian Council of Science, (1996
- L.Skuja (Head of Project) Investigation of Point Defects in Wide-Gap Glassforming
Materials for Microelectronics, Optical Waveguides and Laser Optics. Latvian Council of
Science, (2001 - 2004)
- L.Skuja (Head of Project) Study of Optical Properties, their Optimization and Variation
Mechanisms in Glassy Materials for Ultraviolet Optics and Fiber Wave-guides. Latvian
Council of Science, (2005 - )
- L.Skuja (Leader of the work packet:"Defects in oxide glasses and related
materials") within the EC sponsored program "Excellence Center for Advanced
Material Research and Technology" (CAMART) in Institute of Solid State Physics
- L. Skuja (local coordinator) of European research-training network "Optical Devices
Using Photosensitivity for their Elaboration (2000-2004).
Last update 23.08.2005