Dr.soc. Talis TISENKOPFS
Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Latvia
Lomonosova Street, 1
Riga, LV 1019
Latvia Phone: + 371 67089860, +371 29417173
Fax: + 371 67089860
E-mail: |
Born: 28 July 1957, Tukums district, Latvia.
- Human development
- Rural and regional development
- Sustainable agriculture
- Micro-sociological theories
- Public policy analysis
- Democratic accountability
- Biographical sociology
- National identity
- Collective action
- Community development
- Entrepreneurship
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
Academic Education
- Dr.soc. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph. D. in Western countries), Institute of
Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, 1989
Thesis - "Festivals in Contemporary Latvian Culture"
- Post-graduate studies in sociology of art, Institute of Theory of Arts, USSR Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, 1982-1985
- Graduate studies in phylosophy and sociology, University of Latvia ( Faculty of
History and Philosophy), 1975-1980
Academic Titles and Scientific Degrees
- Professor of sociology, University of Latvia, 2002
- Associate Professor in sociology, University of Latvia, 1999
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Dr.soc. , Latvian Academy of Sciences , 1992
- Cand. philos., Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 1989
Current employment:
- Chairman of the Board, Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI),
University of Latvia, 2004 -
- Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia, 2002 -
- Director, Baltic Studies Centre, 1991 -
Former Professional Experience:
- Head of Department of Sociology, University of Latvia, 1998 - 2004
- Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Latvia, 1999-2002
- Docent, Department of Sociology, University of Latvia, 1998-1999
- Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Latvia, 1994-1998
- Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Latvian University of Agriculture ,
- Senior Researcher and Project Director, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994 - 2004
- Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1991 - 1994
- Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Pedagogy, Riga Technical University, 1991-1994
- Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Latvian State Conservatoire, 1980-1990
Research abroad:
- Visiting researcher, University of Jyvaskyla, SOCRATES exchange programme and Finnish
Academy exchange programme, May, 2000
- Research visit at the Department of Agricultural and co-operative research( the Danish
Council of Sciences research visit scholarship), South Jytland University Centre, Denmark,
1996, May-July
- Visiting scholar at the Department of Sociology, University of Umea, Sweden
(Participation in post-graduate course "Nations, Nationalism and National
Identity", the Swedish Institute Scholarship), 1994, February-March
- Research visit at the Centre for Rural Research (NorFA Scholarship), University of
Trondheim, Norway, 1992, April-July
- The Latvian Writers Union Literature Prise 2007 for
outstanding work in the genre of essayistic for the book Uzburta vieta
(Imagined Place), 2008
- Award for achievements in scientific research given on the occasion of 85th anniversary
of University of Latvia, 2004
- Award for excellent contribution in social sciences, award given by the Latvian Academy
of Sciences, Lattelekom SIA, and the Latvian Foundation for Education,
- Award for analysis of the theme of Europe (an essay The Rape of Europe,
published in newspaper Diena on May 8, 2002), award given by the Delegation of
European Commission in Latvia, 2002
- Cicero Award for objective analysis of development processes in Latvia represented in
UNDP Human Development Reports, award given by the Latvian Academy of Sciences, The
Latvian Association of Journalists, The Council of Integration, and Department of
Communication Studies of the University of Latvia, 2002
- Award for excellence in quality of analysis and excellence in participation and policy
impact of the Latvia Human Development Report 1999. Award given to Talis Tisenkopfs,
Editor-in-Chief, Latvia Human Development Report 1999, at the Second Global Forum on Human
Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, organized by the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), 1999
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of European Sociological Association (A candidate for election into the
Executive committee of Association, September 1995-)
- Member of Steering committee, European Sociological Association research network
"Biographical Perspectives on European Societies", 1995
- Promotion Council for Sociology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992- , Chairman, 1994
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Philosophy, Sociology Psychology
and Pedagogic, 1993-
- International Sociological Association, Research Committee Nr.38 "Biography and
Society", 1990
- Member, Board of the Latvian Sociological Association, 1989-
Lectures and Presentations
- Project for New Europe: A Newcomers Perspective, Speech at the Forum Europeo
Le identita dellEuropa del XX secolo. Convergenze e divergenze fra Est e
Ovest, Trento, Italy, 29 November 1997.
- On life stories collections in Latvia. Presentation at the working group
"Sjelvbiografier, Liv, och Kultur", 18 Nordic Congress of Sociology, Helsinki,
Finland, 10 June 1995.
- A Latvian Competition of Life Stories. Presentation at the round table on written
autobiography collections. XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 22 July
- Evolution of Nationalism during the Post-Communist Transformations in Baltic. Youth in
Latvia. Evolution of Nationalism in Latvia. Seminars at the Department of Political
Science, University of Umea, Sweden, 8 March, 18 March, 22 March, 1994.
University of Latvia:
- Sociology of Entrepreneurship, 1996-1997
- Ethnosociology, 1995-1997
- Business Sociology,1994
Other universities:
- Sociology of Organisations, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997
- Organisational and Managerial Sociology, Riga Technical University, 1991-1994
- Essentials of Philosophy, Latvian State Conservatoire, 1980-1990
- Essentials of Sociology, Latvian State Conservatoire, 1980-1990
Recent/Representative Publications
Books, monographs
- T.Tisenkopfs. Uzburta vieta (Imagined Place), 2007, Riga: Neptuns, 268
pp. (in Latvian)
- B.Bela, T.Tisenkopfs (eds.). Quality of Life in Latvia,(Strategic Analysis Commission
under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia), 2006, Riga :
Zinatne, 430 pp. (in Latvian).
- Z.Ozolina, T.Tisenkopfs (eds.). Latvija eiropeizacijas krustcelos (Latvia at the
Crossroads of Europeanisation), 2005, Riga: LU Akademiskais Apgads, 135 pp.
- T.Tisenkopfs (Editor-in-chief). Latvia Human Development Report 2000/2001. Public policy
process in Latvia, 2001, Riga, UNDP, 156 pp.
- T.Tisenkopfs (Editor-in-chief). Latvia Human Development Report 1999. 2000, Riga,
UNDP, 140 pp.
- T.Tisenkopfs (Editor-in-chief). Latvia Human Development Report 1998. 1998, Riga,
UNDP, 107 pp.
- A.Tabuns, J.Broks, A.Tabuna, T.Tisenkopfs. National State and Regime Identity in
Latvia (A.Tabuns, ed.), 2000, Riga: Baltic Studies Centre, 251 pp.
- T.Tisenkopfs, A.Zobena (eds.). Social Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture: Experience in
Baltic and Nordic Countries, 1999, Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 178
- Simon Davies, Bill Slee, Talis Tisenkopfs. Social and Economic Conditions in
Rural Latvia, 1997, Riga: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 135 pp. (in
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Festivals in Contemporary Culture, 1989, Riga: Ministry of Culture
Press, 84 pp. (in Latvian).
- Talis Tisenkopfs. The Social Being of Art, 1988, Riga: Zinibu Biedriba Press,
50 pp. (in Latvian).
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Art Festivals and Aesthetic Upbringing, 1987, Riga: Zinibu
Biedriba Press, 36 pp. (in Latvian).
Chapters in Books - 17
- T.Tisenkopfs, S.Sumane. A visionary and capable chain leader. Rankas Piens Diary. - In:
Nourishing Networks. Fourteen lessons about creating sustainable food suply chains
(Dirk Roep and Han Wiskerke, eds.), 2006, Wageningen: Wageningen
University and Reed Business Information - Agriboek, pp. 79-90.
- T.Tisenkopfs, S.Sumane. Rural Community Initiatives in the Latvian Countryside. - In: . Mapping
Rural Problematics in the Baltic (Ilkka Alanen, ed.), 2004,
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 219-247.
- T.Tisenkopfs. Globalisation and pheripheral identity. - In: New Horizons in
Sociological Theory and Research (Luigi Tomasi, ed.), 2001, New
York. London, Sydney: Ashgate, pp. 221-255.
- T.Tisenkopfs. Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Latvia. - In: Conference
Prague 1999.Transitional Societes in Comparison: East Central Europe vs. Taiwan
(National Science Council, Taipei, Bonn Office), 2000, Frankfurt am Main,
Berlin, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 381-416.
- T.Tisenkopfs. Latvian childhood memories. - In: National, State and Regime Identity
in Latvia (A.Tabuns, ed.), 2000, Riga: Baltic Studies Centre, pp.
- T.Tisenkopfs. Post-collectivic farmers as social, economic and political group. - In: Actors
on the Changing European Countryside (Leo Grandberg and Imre Kovach, eds.), 1998,
Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 131-143.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Giovanni e nazionalismo negli Stati Baltici (Youth and nationalism in
Baltic states). - In: Razzismo e Societa Plurietnica. Conflitti etnici e
razzismi giovanili in Europa (Luigi Tomasi, ed.), 1997,
Milano: Franco Angeli, pp.107-124 (in Italian.)
- Talis Tisenkopfs .Youth in Latvia: Identities and Mobility in a Transitional Society. -
In: Values and Post-Soviet Youth. The Problem of Transition (Luigi Tomasi,
ed.), Milano: Franco Angeli, 1995, pp.116-140.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Omaelamakerta (Essay on autobiography). - In: . Elamakertatutkimusken
omaelamakerrallisuus (Elina Haavio-Mannila, Tommi Hoikkala, Eeva Peltonen, Anni
Vilkko (eds), Kerro Vain Totuus), 1995, Helsinki: Gaudeamus,
pp.191-200 (in Finnish).
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Pa jakt efter hallpunkt - ung identitet i forandrigens Lettland (On
youth identities in Latvia). - In: Arsbok Om Ungdom 1-2 (Karin Nilsson
Kelly, ed.), 1995, Stockholm: Ungdomsstyrelsen, pp.106-113
(in Swedish).
Journal Articles
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Human capability and quality of life. Researching quality of life in
Latvia. - Social Sciences. Socialniai Mokslai, 2006, No 3 (53),
pp. 7-16.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Globalisation and reconfigurating identity. - Money. Life-Style.
Identity (A.Stepcenko, ed.). Latvijas Universitates Zinatniskie Raksti, 2000,
vol. 629, pp.137-171.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Rurality as creative field: towards an integrated rural development. -
Sociologia Ruralis, 1999, vol. 3 (39), pp. 411-430.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Constructed countryside:postsocialist and late modern mixture in rural
change, Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1999, 1 (22), pp.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Young People and New Capitalism. - Humanities and Social Sciences.
Latvia, 1996, 4(13) / 1997, 1(14), pp.167-198.
- Janis Broks, Uldis Ozolins, Gunars Ozolzile, Aivars Tabuns and Talis Tisenkopfs. The
Stability of Democracy in Latvia: Pre-Requisites and Prospects.- Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia 1996,4(13) /1997, 1(14),
- Talis Tisenkopfs, Signe Aboltina and Ieva Miezite. Latvian Song Festivals: Historical
and Sociological Aspects. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1995,
9/10, pp. 40-48 (in Latvian).
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Search for the Center in a Peripheral Society: A Case Study of Youth
Identities in Latvia. - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 1995, 3,
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Perceptions of Ethnicity in Latvian Childhood Memories. Childhood.
- A Global Journal of Child Research, 1993, 1, pp.110-118.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Life and Text: Biographical Approach in Social Sciences. -
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993, 5, pp.1-8 (in
Papers in Conference Proceedings
- Ular Loolaid and Talis Tisenkopfs. Summary of the working group "Relationship
between research, education and extension". - In: The Role of Education and Research
for Economic and Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry (Proceedings III International
Conference of Agricultural Scientists from the Nordic and Baltic Countries), Tartu:
Estonian Agricultural University Institute of Rural Development, 1997, pp.142-145.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Sustainability Strategy in Agriculture in the Baltic Countries.- In:
Environment and Sustainable Agriculture (Proceedings II International Conference of
Agricultural Scientists from the Nordic and Baltic Countries), Tartu: Estonian
Agricultural University Institute of Rural Development, 1996, pp.25-34.
- Talis Tisenkopfs. Minorities in Search for Identity: A Latvian Project of Ethnic
Autobiographies.-In: VIII International Oral History Conference "Memory and
Multiculturalism", Siena-Lukka, Italy, 25-28 February 1993, pp. 619-629.
Reaserch Reports - 26
Representative Research Projects
Participation in national research
projects and programmes - /Total number - 32 (1990 -
Project director:
- Life plans of young people and their outlook on regional development.- LU
research grant Y2-Z77. (2007)
- Latvia Human Development Report 2007, published by ASPRI. (2006 2007).
- Quality of Life in Latvia. - Project commissioned by the Commission for
Strategic Analysis under the auspices of the President of Latvia and Advanced Social and
Political Research Institute (ASPRI) of the
University of Latvia. (2005)
- Changes in Everyday Life in Contemporary Latvia. - Latvian Council of Science
research grant Nr. 05.1911 (2005-2008).
- Agency Research in Collective Action. - Latvian Council of Science research grant
Nr. 01.0755 (2001-2004).
- Social development and social security. Research programme. - Latvian Council
of Science, project NR 1.0020.0.8 (2001).
- Latvian song festivals in a changing social environment. - Ministry of Culture,
Republic of Latvia (2002)
- Social Aspects of Agrarian Reform, Farmers Survey. - Latvian Ministry of Agriculture,
Latvian Council of Science Research Program Social Development and Social
Security. (1995).
- Agricultural Advisory System and its Clients.- Latvian Ministry of
Agriculture (1994)
- Describe Your Nationality: A Latvian Contest of Ethnic Autobiographies. 329 life stories
collected through a nation-wide competition of written autobiographies. - The newspaper
'Diena' and the Latvian Council of Ministers Department of Ethnic Affairs (1991).
- A Man in Genocide: Sociological Study of the Autobiographies of Politically Repressed
Latvians. - The Latvian Culture Foundation (1990).
- Agricultural Services Organisations and their Clients: A Case study in Tukums
District. - The agricultural organisations of Tukums district (1990).
- Populations Culture Activities in Riga. - Council of Latvian Trade Unions
- Project Leader (together with professor Zaneta Ozolina). Interaction
of Social and Political Processes in Latvia in the Context of European Integration. - University
of Latvia (2004).
- Team Leader - Analytical Survey on SMS Entrepreneurship performed for the
Government of Latvia (1998).
- Programme co-ordinator. - Social and Economic Development of Latgale Region. - Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- Programme co-ordinator. - Agricultural and Rural Development in Latvia and Integration
with the European Union. - Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- Team leader. - Research grant for young sociologists. - Latvian Council of
Science (1997-2000).
- Project Leader. - The impact of the market economy on the change of social identities
and social structures in Latvia. - Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- Project Leader. A Man in Genocide: Sociological Study of the Autobiographies of
Politically Repressed Latvians. - Latvian Culture Foundation (1990).
International Projects and Programmes
/Total number - 30 (1992 - 2009)/
- ETUDE Enlarging the Theoretical Understanding of Rural Development. - EU
6th FP Project, Contract No. SSPE-CT-2006-44245 (2007-2009)
- IN-SIGHT Strengthening Innovation Processes for Growth and Development, EU
FP6 Project, Contract No. SSP-2005-44510 (2006 2008)
- COFAMI Encouraging Collective Farmers Marketing Initiatives. - EU 6th
FP Project, Contract No SSPE-CT-2005-006541 (2005 2008)
- SINER-GI Strengthening International Research on Geographical Indications: From
Research Foundation to Consistent Policy. - EU 6th FP Project,
Contract No. SSPE-CT-2005-006522 (2005 - 2008)
- Project leader in Latvia . Women Towards ownership in
Business and Agriculture. - European Commission, Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality and LR Ministry of
- MULTAGRI Capitalisation of Research Results on the Multifunctionality of
Agriculture and Rural Areas. - EU FP5 Project (Specific Support Action),
Contract No. GOCE-CT-2003-505297, subcontractor to the University of Helsinki (2004 -
- PubAcc Researching Public Accountability Procedures in Different European
Societies. - EU FP5 Project, Contract No. HPSE-CT-2001-00076 (2001
- SUS-CHAIN Marketing Sustainable Agriculture: An analysis of the Potential Role of
New Food Supply Chains in Sustainable Rural Development. - EU FP5 Project,
Contract No. QLK5-CT-2002-01349 (2003 - 2006)
- (Project director). Latvia Human Development Report 2004/2005, published by UNDP and
ASPRI (2004 2005)
- TRUC Transformation of Rural Communication. - EU FP5 Project, Contract
Nr. QLK5-CT-2001-30025I (2002 2003)
- (Team leader). The Action Research Component Rural partnerships programme.
The British Department for International Development Baltic rural livelihoods
project (2000 - 2003)
- (Project director). DIRA Democratic and integrated regional
development. - Open Society Institute in Budapest. (2000 - 2001)
- (Editor-in-chief). Latvia Human Development Reports 1998, 1999, 2000/2001, published by
UNDP (1998 -2001)
- (Project leader). Population information and attitudes towards social security
system reform in Latvia. - LR Ministry of Welfare, the World Bank and Latvia
Social Insurance Agency (1999).
- MAS "Making Agriculture Sustainable: Role of Farmers Networking and Institutional
Strategies. (European joint research project). - EU FP4 Project, EC Contract No.
IC 20CT-97035 (1997 - 2000)
Last update 27.10.2002