Kalvis Torgans
Professor Kalvis Torgans Dr.habil.iur.(Ph.D),
Head of the Department of Civil Law,
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
19 Raina Bulv., Riga, LV 1586
Phone: + 371 7034527
Fax: + 371 7034528
E-mail: Kalvis.Torgans@lu.lv
Born: March 31, 1939
- Contract Law
- Commercial Law
- Consumer Protection Law
- Civil Procedure
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- Latvia State University (Faculty of Economics and Law)
cum laude, 1962
- Dr.iur. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in a few Western countries), Tartu University (Estonia), 1970
- Doctor of Law (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow
State University (Russia), 1985
- Dr.habil.iur. (Habilitated Doctor of Law),
University of Latvia, 1992
- Upgrading: Indianapolis, USA 1991, Louvain-le-Neuve,
Belgium, 1994; East-West Forum, Florence, Italy, 1994.
- Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor - Faculty
of Law, Latvia State University, 1962-1976
- Dean of the Faculty of Law and Associate Professor, Latvia
State University, 1976-1979
- Associate Professor, Senior Reseacher, Latvia State
University, 1979-1985
- Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Latvia State
University, 1985-1991
- Head of the Department of Civil Law and Professor,
University of Latvia, since 1991
- Adviser of Parliament (Latvia Saeima) Law Comission,
- Visiting Professor at Northwestern School of Law, Portland,
USA, 1999
Honours and Awards
- Gold Record of Achievement, American Biographical
Institute, 1995
- Man of Achievement 1994, International Biographical Centre,
Cambridge, England
- Senators A.Loeberss Award, the Lawyers
Association of Latvia, 1994
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1992- 1997
- Full Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Diploma of Honour of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
- Silver Emblem of Latvia University, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Latvian Council of Science
Expert Committee for Economics and Jurisprudence 1993-1996, 1999 -
- Vice-President of Lawyers Association of Latvia
- Sworn Attorney at the attorneys bureau Lejins,
Torgans & Vonsovitch
- Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre
Advisory Council, Cambridge, England, 1995
- Head of the Promotion Academic Council on Law, University of Latvia
- Head of the Professors Council on Law, University of Latvia and Academy of Police
- Civil Law (contracts, tort law)
- Problems of Contract and Tort Law (L.L.M.)
- Legal Writing (L.L.M)
Recent/Representative Publications
175 in Latvian, Russian, English, main: 20 books,
co-author of 8 books, main:
- Commentaries of the Civil Law. Obligations (art.
1401-2004), Riga, 2000, (co-author)
- Commentaries of the Civil Procedure Law Act (co-author and
sc.redactor), 1999 (ed. 1-st), 2001 (ed. 2nd)
- Commercial Law in the Baltic States. - In: The Baltic
States at Historical Crossroads, 2001, Riga, pp. 266-280
- Contract Law and Court Practice in Latvia. - 2nd World
Congress of latvian Scientists. Congress Proceedings, Riga, 2001, p. 218
- Commentaries of the Contract and Tort Law in Civil Law,
Riga, 1993(ed. 1-st), 1994(ed. 2nd)
- Latvian Contract Law and the EU. - Juridica
International . Estonian Civil Code in European Private Law Context.(Estonia), 2001,
N 6, pp.38-43.
- Comparing and Contrasting Obligation - Related Laws in
Latvia and the Member States of the EU. - Humanities and Social Sciences . Latvia.
Latvian Law and the EU, 2001, N 2 (31), pp. 5-26.
- "Principles of European Contract Law" and Latvian
Civil Law. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., A, 2002, vol. 56, N 4/5/6, pp. 34-41
- Procuration: New and Long-standing Questions of
Authoritarisation. - Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Law. (Riga), 2003,
vol. 657, pp. 7-18.
- The Concept of Fault in Latvian Contract Law Requires
Adjustment. - Humanities and Social Sciences . Latvia. Current Topics in Latvian
Law, 2003, N 3 (40), pp. 96-109.
- Legal Regulation of Payments. 2nd ed., 2004, Riga: TNA.
Research Projects
- K.Torgans (Head of Project). Comparative Research of
Latvias and Foreign Law on Contracts and Liability. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993)
- K.Torgans (Head of Project). Comparative Research of
Latvias and Foreign Law on Commercial Activities, Transportation and Building
Construction. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- K.Torgans (Head of Project). Guaranties of Fulfillment of
Contractual Obligations under Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law. Latvian Council
of Science (1997-1999)
- K.Torgans (Head of Project). New Commercial Law Act and Its
Implementation. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2003).
- K.Torgans (Head of Project). Application and Further
Approximation of Latvia's Private Law Joining EU. Latvian Council of Science
(2004 - 2006).
- Participation at more than 57 draft laws and regulations of
Cabinet of Ministers (during 1990-2004)
Family, hobbies
Married on Antra Torgane (born Tirole), one daughter.
Modern and classical music, theatre, tourism.
Last update 14.01.2005