Born: July 5, 1926, Jelgava, Latvia
- Heat, Gas and Water Technologies
- Economical Problems of Developing and Functioning of Energy and
Fuel Supply Systems and Complexes.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
- University of Latvia, 1951
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western
countries), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1965
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), State
Institute of Energetics, Moscow, Russia, 1985
- Professor, Riga Technical University,1993
- Professor, Institute of
Physical Energetics, 1994 -
- Junior Researcher and Senior Researcher, Institute of Physical
Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1957-1981
- Head of the Laboratory of Energy System Optimization, Institute of
Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981-
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Chairman, Latvian Member Committee of World Energy Council
- President, Latvian Association of Energy Economics (the Affiliate
of the International Association of Energy Economics)
- Professor, Riga Technical University: speciality - energy economy
- Expert, Latvian Antimonopoly Committee
- Chairman of Habilitation Council, Institute of Physical Energetics
- Member of Programme Committee, European Commission
Honours and Awards
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 2006
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Alfreds Vitols Prize, 2002
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC "Latvijas Gaze" Prize for a series of
papers Natural Gas in the Vision of Latvias Power Sector, 2004
Recent/Representative Publications:
- V.Zebergs. Heat Supply of Agricultural Enterprises. Riga 1959, 116
p. (in Latvian)
- V.Zebergs. Regime of Heat and Fuel Supply of Agriculture. Riga
1979, 148 p. (in Russian)
- Formation of Energy Systems of North-West Regions of USSR. (Ed.
V.Zebergs), Riga 1989, 285 p. (in Russian)
Other publications:
More than 120 publications, the last ones:
- V.Zebergs. Problems of rising the economical efficiency of
underground gas storage. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 1994,
1, pp.57-62.
- V.Zebergs. Latvian power system study with Power Plan model. -
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 1994, 1, pp.63-70.
- V.Zebergs. Ecological problems of Latvian energy development till
2010. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 1994, 2, pp.70-77.
- V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, A.Davis. Possibilities for Creating Future
Global Fuel and Energy Supply Systems in Baltic States. Proc. of 16th
Congress of World Energy Council /WEC/. Division 2 PS/SRD 2-4. Social Aspects of Energy
Supply. Tokyo, Japan, 1995, pp.49-55.
- V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, I.Viksna, Yu.Stripnieks. The improvement of
heat supply systems of the East European type in Latvia. In: Fourth International
Energy Efficiency & DSM Conference "The Global Challenge". Berlin,
Germany, 1995, pp.653-659.
- V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, V.Mishkinis. Inter-Baltic energy
co-operation research programme project. In: Global energy transitions with emphasis on
the last five years of the Century. 19th IAEE International conference
Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, 1996, pp. 504-512.
- A.Osh, I.Viksna, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Heat supply:
Development problems and new technologies. - World Energy Council, Regional Forum
" Central and East European Energy Policies, Markets and Technologies for 21st
Century", Vilnius, Lithuania, 1999, pp. 379-385.
- A.Davis, G.Freibergs, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Technological
progress and development of heat energy market. - IAEE 1999 European Energy Conference
" Technological Progress and the Energy Challengers", Concurrent Sessions
Proc., Paris, France, 1999, pp. 132-140.
- A.Davis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. North Europe gas prospects:
Latvian underground gas storage. - World Markets Series BUSINESS BRIEFING Global
GAS&LNC Industry. World Markets Research Centre, London, UK, June 1999, pp.
- Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs. Vision of the development of energetics as a science. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2000, No 2, pp.3-10
- Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs. Present situation and opportunities for the energy sector
development in the Baltic States. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2000, No 4, pp.3-10
- A.Oss, Yu.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Energy policy in Latvia. International
Journal of Global Energy Issues (UNESCO), 2001. vol.16, No 1/2/3, pp.64-81.
- Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, E.Zeberga. Energy efficiency problems for
sustainable development of the Latvian Energy Sector. Scientific Proceedings of
Riga Technical University: Power and Electrical Engineering, 2002, ser.4, vol.6,
- Akermanis A., Sarma U., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Present
situation and trends in reconstructing the heat supply systems in Latvia . - "Towards
local energy systems: revitalising district heating and co-generation in central and
eastern Europe", World Energy Council, pp. 41-56.
- Davis A., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Energy saving policy
and emissions decreasing: Latvian experience. - Proceedings of International Energy
Conference Energy Technologies for post Kyoto targets in the medium term, Risu
National Laboratory, Denmark, pp. 375-384.
- Stuits I., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Institutional support on
energy and environmental policy in Latvia . - Int. J. Risk Assessment & Management,
Volume 4 Nos. 2/3, 2003, UK, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN 1466-8297: pp.167-191.
- Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2004) A New Era
in the Energy Market Management for the Central & East European Post-Transition
Countries // The 24th annual North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, July
8-10, 2004, Washington DC, Capital Hilton Hotel, CD
- Ribickis L., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2004) Energetical and power electronics
researches in Latvia. - 11thInternational Power Electronics and Motions
Control Conference, Proceedings of EPE-PEMC 2004 Conference Riga, Latvia, Vol. 4 of 7:
4-479 4-482.
- Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2005) Latvian Energy Outlook . - Development
agency for Ruda Slaska INWESTOR, ISDN 0867-2172, ZESZYT NR 5/2005: 26 pp.
- Jan Solinski, Marek Jaczewski, Tomasz Golec, Temenuga
Manoilova, Ylo Rudi, Gintaras Adzgauskas, Namejs Zeltins, Viktors Zebergs,
Natan Bernot. (2005) Energy sector of the Central and East European countries
present situation and outlook to 2030. - // Institute of Power Engineering Center
of Excellence, Warsaw, Poland, 52 pp.
- B.Petrovs, V.Zebergs, Zeltins V. Improvement of the efficiency of energy use in
buildings: methods for estimation and modeling. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2006, N 5, pp.46- .
- Zebergs V., Zeltins N., Krams Z. Silantjeva I., Grackova L. Dependence of energy
efficiency and GG emissions on the energy structure ad fluctuations in consumption.-
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, N 3,p.
Research Projects:
- (Head of Project). The Theory and Methods of Latvian Fuel and
Energy Balance in Transitional Economical and Ecological Circumstances. Latvian Council of Science (1993 - 1996).
- Project EURIO in EU program Joul II. (1993-1995).
- (Head of Project). Modelling Methods to Evaluate Energy,
Economicand Environmental Factors of Latvian Fuel and Energy Complex Development.
Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- (Head of Project). Latvian Energy Sector
Development Strategy and its Management Process Research by Using Simulation and
Optimization Methods. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - ).
Last update 29.11.2007