Latvian Academy of
Akademijas lauk. 1, Riga, LV 1524
Tel.: (371) 7615753, (371) 7225674. Fax: (371) 7227520.
Director Dr. math. A.
Chair of the Scientific Council Dr.habil.math. A. BUIKIS, Full mem. LAS
The Institute was founded on 16 May 1991 by merging two mathematical laboratories of the LAS Institute of Physics (Laboratory of Dynamic Systems headed by L. Reizins, and Laboratory of Mathematical Physics headed by A.Buikis ) and two Chairs of the University of Latvia Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Chair of Differential Equations and Approximated Methods headed by H. Kalis, and Chair of General Mathematics headed by K. Steiners). Great contribution to the establishing of the Institute has been given by two prominent Latvia's mathematicians-L. Reizins, (1924-1991); and E. Riekstins, Dr.h.c. of the LAS (1919-1992). Under the guidance of L. Reizins research was developed along the traditional lines for Latvia's mathematicians-in the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations. In its turn, E. Riekstins' works in asymptotic development theory are well known outside Latvia. Till 1996 the Director of the Institute was A.Buikis.
The Institute has developed firm international scientific co-operation with the North Rein-Westfahlen Science Centre, the universities of Keiserslautern and Augsburg in Germany, and the universities of Oxford and Southampton in England. Since 1994 the Institute together with five West European and five East European research centres has been included in the project "Mathematics as Industrial Resource" suggested by the European Community. Jointly with 15 mathematical centres of Central and Eastern Europe the Institute participates at the European Community project "EmNet/3B1".
Last update Jun 9 1997 by Martins Gills